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"State and Municipal Management" direction of the Faculty of Economics was included in the list of the best universities.


Interfax has published a list of the best universities in the country in the field of training "State and Municipal Administration". The rating includes the Faculty of Economics of Stavropol State Agrarian University. In total, 50 Russian universities implementing this educational program entered the TOP. According to the Interfax research, the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the only university subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, was included in the list of the top 20 educational institutions in the direction of "State and Municipal Administration".

"The quality of personnel training for the civil service remains the most important problem for the management system of the country, regions, cities and municipalities. We hope that our research will help universities to position themselves as a high-quality educational platform for training qualified managers, and public administration bodies to carry out effective selection of the personnel reserve," said Alexey Gorshkov, Executive Director of the Interfax Group.

The top five universities that train future managers were headed by the permanent leader - the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. The second place was taken by the Higher School of Economics, the third - Lomonosov Moscow State University.

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