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Briefings "Chronicle of events on the special operation in Ukraine" and "We are against terror and extremism"


The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a briefing "Chronicle of events in the framework of a special operation in Ukraine" and "We are against terror and extremism." The scientific library of SSAU, where thematic stands from the periodical press, acquaintance with scientific literature and political information organized the event.

The teaching staff of the Department of Philosophy and History, headed by the Head of the Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Evgeny Vasilyevich Tufanov, Associate Professors, Candidate of Historical Sciences Inna Nikolaevna Karpenko, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin and Head of the Department for Educational Work and Social Affairs Tatyana Ivanovna Gunko organized, with the support of the staff of the scientific library of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, a discussion of topical political issues, such as:

- On the need to continue the special military operation in Ukraine;

- Terrorism and extremism: a threat to world.

Students representing the multi-ethno-confessional youth environment actively participated in the briefing. Positioning their active civic position, patriotic opinions were expressed in support of the fraternal Slavic peoples. Serious attention was paid to terrorist acts that bring massive human casualties; destroy material and spiritual values ​​that cannot be restored; sow enmity between states and peoples; provoke wars. Extremism can turn the entire society into a victim! Terrorism is violence containing the threat of another, more brutal violence in order to cause panic, instill fear, destroy the state order, force the enemy to make the desired decision.

The discussion of the causes of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, which led to the start of a special operation by the Russian troops at a meeting with young people, led to a lively discussion about the main events in the history of relations between the two countries, starting in 2014. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  10

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