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Meeting of the Young Scientists Council


The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University held a meeting of the section of young scientists in the framework of the 87th scientific and practical conference "Agrarian Science for the North Caucasus Federal District".

The meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists within the framework of the 87th Scientific and Practical Conference "Agrarian Science for the North Caucasian Federal District" was opened and the head of the Scientific and Innovation Training Center, Candidate of Technical Sciences Sergey Nikolaevich Antonov made a parting word.

Kirill Andreevich Svirezhev, Chairman of the All-Russian Council of Young Scientists of Agricultural Educational and Scientific Institutions, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Land Management of the State University for Land Management, delivered a welcoming speech and a report “On the work of the All-Russian Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Agricultural Educational Institutions”.

A report on the activities of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was made by the Chairman of Council of Young Scientists and Specialists SSAU Dmitry Eduardovich Chervyakov.

During the session of the section, reports of students, graduate students and young employees of the university were made:

1. Vasin Egor Romanovich, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, "Reducing the toxicity of mobile agricultural machinery";

2. Herman Maria Sergeevna, Faculty of Agorbiology and Land Resources; “Influence of foliar top dressings on biometric indicators and productivity of table grape varieties in the conditions of the zone of unstable moistening of the Stavropol Territory”;

3. Gorokhova Margarita Mikhailovna, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, "Ophthalmic medicinal membranes for the treatment of corneal ulcers";

4. Isaenko Alexander Pavlovich, Faculty of Economics, "The current state and prospects for the development of viticulture and wine-making cooperation in the agro-industrial complex";

5. Mishukov Stanislav Vadimovich, Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering, "Information-measuring system for determining the moisture content and impurities of agricultural products";

6. Sapunova Maria Andreevna, Faculty of Accounting and Finance, "The state of distribution at the present stage";

7. Chervyakova Ksenia Vladimirovna, Faculty of Biotechnology, "Relationship between the crack of the shell and the embryonic mortality of chickens";

8. Shahramanyan Irina Dmitrievna, Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism, “Development of Rural Tourism in the Russian Federation”.

The conference was also attended by: Alexander Vitalyevich Frolov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance for Research, Associate Professor Svistunova Inna Georgievna, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Management Technologies. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  4

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