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Health Day for schoolchildren


Children are our future. And in order for our future to be healthy, it is necessary to instill in children the skills of a healthy lifestyle from an early age, to instill in them a caring attitude towards their own health, and teach them to play sports.

Health Day was held in the municipal state educational institution "Secondary School No. 6" in the village of Pelagiada, Shpakovsky Municipal District.

School Health Day is a fun celebration of good mood, sports and health. Schoolchildren are looking forward to this day to take part in sports competitions, frolic and breathe fresh air.

The annual Health Day has become a tradition at the school No. 6. It is held so that students, teachers, parents can understand how much health means in their lives. On this day, the school seems to come to life, because everyone was involved: students, teachers, parents, teachers and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The day began with a line, a solemn announcement of the "Health Day". Then the students, together with class teachers, went to the stages of sports relay races. There were many exciting competitions here, where schoolchildren enthusiastically competed in speed, agility and cohesion. As a result, friendship won, and all participants received a charge of vivacity and health for the new academic year.

Management of the secondary school No. 6 represented by director V.I. Volodina expressed special gratitude for the active cooperation between the school and the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The organizers of the event dedicated to the upcoming public holiday - the Day of Russia, were the teams of the departments of philosophy and history (Prof. S.P. Zolotarev, Associate Professor O.N. Shmatko) and physical education and sports (Associate Professor P.V. Tarasov), as well as students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology Artur Baikiev and Ilya Yaroshenko.

Дата новости для фото:  30.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  12

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