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Faculty of Accounting and Finance congratulated orphans on International Children's Day


The members of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU celebrated the International Children's Day with a traditional visit to sponsored orphanages for the university.

According to the good tradition of the accounting and financial faculty of SSAU, its students and teachers spend this day in sponsored orphanages. This year, meetings with children from Orphanage No. 9 and the Stavropol Specialized Orphanage for Children with Organic Damage to the Central Nervous System and Mental Disorders were long-awaited as never before, because they were impossible for a long time due to the current epidemiological situation.

Students and teachers of the faculty presented gifts to the children: sweets, berries, educational toys, hygiene products, etc. Not a single student and teacher of the Accounting and Finance Faculty remained indifferent to the kids in orphanages.

Children from orphanages prepared a festive concert for their friends. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.06.2022
Номер новости для фото:  10

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