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Faculties and research centers of SSAU reported on the interim results of the implementation of the program “Agroinnopolis – 2030”


On June 24, those responsible for the implementation of strategic projects and initiatives of the University Development Program “Agroinnopolis – 2030” provided SSAU Academic Council with an interim report on the main results of the implementation of the activities planned in the roadmap. What are the results of the first year of work? What else needs to be improved? What are the challenges to be addressed in the near future?

Prof. A.N. Bobryshev, who spoke about the transformation of research and international policy, policy in the field of digitalization of the university, as well as vice-rector for educational work and youth policy, candidate of technical sciences, professor I.V. Atanov with a report on the implementation of measures to transform the educational, youth and campus policies of the university.

Information about the main achievements, the results obtained and plans for the medium term for the implementation of the strategic projects “Agrokadry 2030” and “SmartAgroBioTech” was provided by O.M. Lisova, A.N. Esaulko, S.A. Oleinik O.N. Kusakina, A.G. Ivolga, A.V. Frolov. The deans of the faculties M.A. Mastepanenko and E.V. Kulaev.

A.N. Bobryshev noted: “Our strategic projects were relevant at the time of the start of their implementation, and continue to be so. Even taking into account the rapid changes in the situation in the industry. We were helped by the fact that initially we relied on the creation of import-substituting technologies, which are urgently needed by enterprises both today and in the medium term.”

In 2021-22 the university implements 231 projects aimed at obtaining unique results demanded by the industry and the economy of the region in 18 key areas of development.

In order to develop infrastructure aimed at obtaining products and technologies in demand by the market, the university creates new and modernizes existing scientific and educational centers and laboratories in such promising areas as breeding, genetics, biotechnology, digitalization, rural economy, etc. At the moment, such 20 subdivisions have already been created. 7 subdivisions are in the process of being created.

In order to qualitatively implement strategic projects, the university is carrying out an internal transformation: more than 15 structural divisions have been created and reorganized, a transition to project-based learning is being implemented, network programs are being actively developed, programs to support and stimulate effective researchers are expanding, a system is being developed to identify and develop student leaders, and much more.

In order to successfully implement the planned activities and create popular products and technologies, SSAU conducts constant and systematic work with members of the consortium of applied research and experimental development performers, which includes executive authorities, scientific and educational organizations, development institutions and business partners. Most of the projects and events are carried out with the direct participation of partners. This allows you to complement the capabilities of the university staff in terms of competencies and resources.

The set of measures taken made it possible to create optimal conditions for the implementation of strategic projects and obtain the planned results.

In the field of biologization of agriculture, the list of research areas was significantly expanded:

-         a new stage of experiments has begun to study the effect of growth regulators on the yield of winter wheat;

-         studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of new biological products;

-         the most effective biological preparations have been identified, which have the prospect of being introduced into the protection systems of crop-growing enterprises in the South of Russia;

-         an organ mineral fertilizer intended for foliar (non-root) feeding of grain crops was created;

-         with the help of GIS technologies, the layouts of microzones for growing grapes were determined;

-         the analysis of agro-climatic conditions of viticulture zones was made;

-         the development of technologies for the biologization of agriculture has begun on the basis of expanding the genetic diversity of agricultural crops and improving the elements of agro biotechnologies;

-         four new classrooms have been created;

-         laid out a trellis garden;

-         work is underway to create new varieties of hearth and berry crops;

-         a new educational program of higher education “Gardening” was developed and much more.

In the field of technologies for the genetic improvement of breeding animals:

-         innovative methods have been developed for a comprehensive assessment of the exterior-constitutional and productive traits of Holstein and Black-and-White breeding cattle;

-         technologies for processing high-quality dairy raw materials of breeding cattle and creating functional food products;

-         the formation of an information base of productive characteristics of dairy cattle populations is being carried out, as well as work on the organization of automated accounting of dairy productivity of cows, taking into account the methods of managing a dairy herd based on the principles of ICAR;

-         technologies are being developed for the use of remote digital aerospace monitoring in the cultivation of pedigree pasture animals (beef cattle, sheep) and the production of livestock products;

-         mechanization and automation technologies have been developed and are already being implemented in the processing of agricultural waste in the cultivation of breeding animals and poultry;

-         the development of technological solutions for the genetic improvement of breeding animals has begun, etc.

In the direction “Sustainable development of rural areas”:

-         a study of the state of the agro-industrial complex of the regions of the district and the expected need for labor force until 2030 was carried out;

-         developed a methodology for assessing the tourist and recreational potential of municipalities;

-         a study of the impact of Covid 19 on the tourist flow in the region was conducted;

-         organized more than 20 events aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population, the development of the hospitality industry and the development of rural areas;

-         a number of software solutions have been developed and transferred to partner companies under license agreements.

In the field of training and retraining of personnel:

-         an organizational and economic mechanism for monitoring the development of rural areas has been developed;

-         a study of the state of the agro-industrial complex and the expected need for personnel for the period up to 2030 was carried out;

-         the Expert and Analytical Center Think tank was created, on the basis of which the analysis of professional preferences of the region’s agro-industrial complex specialists is carried out;

-         developed an Atlas of in-demand professions, and an information base for the personnel policy of the Stavropol Territory;

-         the projects “Personnel for the agro-industrial complex and rural areas of the North Caucasus Federal District” and “Modeling the system of advanced and promising training and retraining of personnel in the agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasus Federal District” were implemented, within which more than 2,000 people were trained;

-         the implementation of a large federal project “Digital Departments” has begun, within the framework of which retraining programs will be implemented starting this year: “Programming and databases”, “3D modeling and programming”, “Digital marketing and media”.

By engineering direction:

-         new educational programs have been developed: “Agroengineering” (bachelor’s degree), profile “Automation and robotization of technological processes”; “Agroengineering” (master’s degree), the program “Traditional and renewable energy of the agro-industrial complex”;

-         10 scientific and educational laboratories were created and modernized for the tasks of industrial partners in the field of: alternative energy and energy saving, control of heat consumption parameters, virtual reality, simulation modeling, hydrodynamic systems and complexes, city farming, research of fuel and lubricants, modeling and 3D prototyping;

-         in these areas, 6 inventions have already been received, which are at the stage of registration;

-         more than 800 people have already been trained, the software product has been transferred to an industrial partner under a license agreement.

Based on the results of the information provided by the heads of the directions, the members of the Academic Council noted that there are successes in all areas of activity declared in the program. The University achieves key indicators and obtained new results that are already being used in education, research and implemented in the activities of enterprises in the real sector of the economy.

At the end of the reporting event, Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Professor V.S. Skripkin noted: “The implementation of the Agroinnopolis 2030 program enables the university to transform according to the demands of the time, train in-demand personnel, develop digital skills, scientific and innovation infrastructure, which will significantly strengthen the human resources potential of the region and give the economy a range of new in-demand professions. This will positively affect the development of the agro-industrial complex as a whole, provide a high-tech, environmentally friendly and socially favorable future for the rural areas of the Stavropol Territory and Russia as a whole.

In order to use the opportunities provided by the program as efficiently as possible, our university will more and more actively switch to a project approach in the implementation of development tasks with an appropriate distribution of funding. A fairly large number of projects are already being implemented as part of the development program, but we understand that some of the structural divisions play the role of a participant in this process. Our task is to create conditions so that each structural unit is the initiator and coordinator of at least one project. Its result should be a result demanded by the university, industry enterprises and authorities.”

Дата новости для фото:  25.06.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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