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How can Russian agricultural universities change their approaches to scientific and educational activities in order to provide the country with qualified personnel and breakthrough technologies?


These issues were the main topics of discussion at the All-Russian seminar-meeting of vice-rectors on scientific work of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture, which was held last week in Ufa. From Stavropol Alexei Bobryshev, the pro-rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, took part in it. He shared with his colleagues his experience in transforming the scientific and innovation policy of the university.

From June 28 to 30, 2022 Bashkir State Agrarian University received vice-rectors for scientific work of agrarian universities, as well as representatives of industrial institutions and organizations from all over Russia. The participants of the seminar talked about the main directions of agrarian science development. On the role of universities in the implementation of scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector. On ensuring food security. About how to change stereotypes in the perception of rural professions and attract talented young people to agricultural universities, which in the future will develop the digitalization of agriculture.

"Usually we discuss the results of the year and work out a resolution, with which we go to the Department of Education, scientific and technological policy and fishery complex, because the processes of development and transformation of research activities in universities need constant adjustments. Especially in the conditions of the tasks that now face the agrarian complex. This includes import substitution, development of biotechnology, breeding, genetics, digitalization of agriculture, reproduction of highly qualified staff, and support for young scientists.

At this meeting in Ufa, we have heard interesting reports from our colleagues and shared our experiences with each other. Thanks to our Bashkir colleagues, who received us very warmly. They showed us their approaches to transforming research activity. Demonstrated laboratories, scientific base, which was extremely useful for all participants". 

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