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Students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of SSAU have an internship at the Gvardiya pig farm


The AGRICO Group of Companies and the Stavropol State Agrarian University have warm friendly relations and long-term cooperation. FSF students got the opportunity to do an internship at the leading pig farm in the Stavropol Territory - Gvardiya LLC, located in the village Shturm in the Krasnogvardeisky municipal district and part of the Group of Companies.

Marina Kovalets and Milana Govorova passed the practice at the pig farm. An internship at such a large enterprise is a great opportunity to get an idea about the work of a modern high-tech automated pig farm, understand the principles of its operation, get to know the team and master the necessary work skills.

The girls learned about the possibility of internship at Guards LLC back in February at a meeting with the head of the selection service of the AGRICO Group of Companies, which took place at the Boiling Point of SSAU. It was after this communication that the students decided that internship at the largest pig farm in the Stavropol Territory was what they needed!

“During the period of practice, I managed to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained at the FSF and acquire the skills of practical and organizational work in my specialty. Working with animals is difficult, but very interesting. I had to learn a lot, replenish, so to speak, the baggage of knowledge. You don’t have to sit idle, the animals require constant attention, this is important for the well-being of the herd,” Milana Govorova shared her impressions.

“This is a great start for young people,” says Lyudmila Vladimirovna Cherkashina, Production Director at Gvardiya LLC. – Leaders, curators, mentors are very helpful and in general they are loyal to students. Of course, you need to delve into everything, study, learn new things, be purposeful and active. Interest in your profession is important. By the way, our practice is paid, you can earn. I think this is true for a lot of people these days."

During their work at the pig farm, the students mastered vaccination, obstetrics, sorting of piglets, ultrasound of pregnant sows at different periods, and even got acquainted with the process of insemination.

“We were received very warmly, all colleagues helped us to adapt, provided support and generously shared their knowledge with us. It's nice when the team has a warm and friendly atmosphere. It is very important to us that you trust us! With your help, we tried out the profession we chose and were not disappointed,” said Marina Kovalets.

The highest assessment from the side of young specialists was the fact that after the completion of the practice, the girls decided to stay at the pig farm for a couple more months for further work.

Дата новости для фото:  04.07.2022
Номер новости для фото:  5

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