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Demo exams within the competence of R41 "Accounting" according to Worldskills Russia standards


Teachers of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU on the basis of the Advanced Professional Training Center conducted demonstration exams on the competence of R41 "Accounting" according to Worldskills Russia standards. The first to take the demonstration exam as part of the state final certification were students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University specialty 38.02.01 Economics and Accounting (by industry). To conduct a demonstration exam, according to the rules of its conduct, third-party experts were invited, who noted the high level of training of students. All students successfully completed the tasks of the exam.

Then the demonstration exams were held in a distance format for students of the Praskovey Agro-Technological College, in full-time format for students of the Stavropol branch of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, the College "Modern School of Business", the Nevinnomyssk Economic and Legal College, the Svetlograd Regional Agricultural College.

Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting Germanova Victoria Samvelovna acted as the main expert at the demonstration exams. The line experts were Associate Professors of the Department of Accounting Tatarinova Maria Nikolaevna and Feskova Marina Viktorovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit Tatyana Yurievna Bezdolnaya.

As part of the demonstration exam, students had to complete tasks on current accounting and data grouping, reporting and analysis, as well as demonstrate skills in working in the 1C Accounting program, MS Excel, analyzing reports and compiling a report based on it for the manager in order to optimize accounting processes. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.07.2022
Номер новости для фото:  1

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