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Graduation from the Faculty of Social and Cultural Services and Tourism 2022


For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University for the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.

This year, the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism graduated 69 professionals, full-time students. 16 of them graduated with honours!

Future specialists in the field of tourism are trained for professional activities at the faculty with material and technical facilities, the like of which is not available in any higher education institution in our country. All classrooms and training centres are made in accordance with international standards.

In 2019, the faculty received the Certificate of the National Certified Centre of WorldSkills Russia in the competence "Hotel Administration".

The faculty is supported by strategic partners in the implementation of educational and research activities: including foreign universities, international hospitality and tourism business organisations from the Netherlands, Hungary, China, Romania and Lithuania.

You can see the photo report here: https://vk.com/album-87124_283479700

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