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Graduation from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2022


For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University to honour the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.

This year, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine graduated 67 professionals, full-time students. Of these, 27 graduated with honours!

The history of Stavropol State Agrarian University begins with the zootechnical field. Over its 90-year history, the faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology have trained more than 20 thousand highly qualified professionals.

In 2019, the largest scientific, diagnostic and therapeutic veterinary centre in Southern Russia won the national veterinary award "Golden Scalpel", and was recognised as "Clinic of the Year" - is the annual highest award of the Russian veterinary community for special achievements in veterinary medicine.

The graduates were congratulated by the honorable guests: Lozovoy Viktor Ivanovich - the graduate of veterinary medicine faculty in 1987, the Deputy Chairman of Stavropol Regional Duma, the gentleman of the order "Courage", candidate of agricultural sciences, Taranukha Denis Aleksandrovich, the Head of Stavropol Veterinary Administration, the graduate of veterinary medicine faculty in 2004, Serdyukov Igor Gennadievich, the honorable professor of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the chairman of SPK Plem-factory "Second Five Year", candidate of agricultural sciences, the graduate of veterinary medicine faculty.

One of the most solemn moments of the ceremony was when the graduates took the oath as veterinarians. They vowed to "show the highest respect for the noble profession of veterinary surgeon," "carefully and attentively provide veterinary care," "maintain gratitude and respect for their teachers" and "remember the duty, honour and responsibility before our Motherland."

A photo report can be seen at the link: https://vk.com/album-87124_283483539

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