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Medal "For contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of education and scientific and technological development" awarded teacher and mentor of SSAU


Medal "For contribution to implementation of state policy in the field of education and scientific and technological development" was awarded to teacher and mentor of SSAU, Rector of Russian State Agrarian Academy of Agriculture named after K.A. Timiryazev, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the RF, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RF, Honored worker of agricultural sector of Russia, Honored citizen of Stavropol region, Heroes of Russia.

Medal "For Contribution to Implementation of the State Policy in the Field of Education and Scientific and Technological Development" is awarded to figures of education and science, who made a great contribution to development of the state policy and normative-legal regulation in the field of higher education and related additional professional education, scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activity, nanotechnology, development of federal centres of science and high technologies, state scientific centres and science cities, intellectual property

The high state award was awarded to the mentor and friend of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - Rector of the Russian State Agrarian Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia, Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Agriculture of Russia, Honorary Citizen of Stavropol region, Hero of Labour of Stavropol, Deputy of the Stavropol Territory.

Recognition of merits at such a high level is further proof of his selfless work for the benefit of agrarian education in Russia.   

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