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Future winemakers and technologists visit an old wine estate in Minvody


As part of their practical training, students of fermentation and winemaking technology visited the Batrak family, which used to revive the production of high quality wines from their own grapes of various varieties.

The Batrak family winery was the first wine tourism centre in the region. Now the owner of the winery, Vitaly Batrak, is reviving the former glory of the historic terroir. His winery is located in the village Prikumskoe in an old stone cellar, built back in 1864.

The students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources had an exciting tour of the winery: they were told about every stage of wine-making and the theoretical part ended in a tasting room with a picturesque view of Mount Camel.

State of the art equipment for all technological processes is used in production. The future winemakers were shown the stainless steel vats with thermal control and an old cellar, built by German colonists back in 1864, and then the students were shown the workshop, where each bottle of Kukum wine goes through the final stage before being sold.

The tour ended with a tasting of over 10 varieties of wine. Representatives of the winery explained to the students how to correctly assess the quality of wine and its characteristics: colour, transparency, taste, aroma, aftertaste. Despite little experience, the students showed their skills perfectly and surprised the owners of the winery.

"In order to show the guys how winemaking is developing in Stavropol, we try to organise excursions not only to factories located within the city limits of Stavropol, but also those located outside. Taking into account that nowadays the production of wines of geographical origin is developing, I think that the winery of Vitaly Batrak is the best example for students", explained Elena Semenovna Romanenko, head of the department of production and processing of food products from vegetable raw materials of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.

The Batrak family, represented by Vitaly Batrak's daughters, thanked the students for their visit and interest in production, and invited them to visit the winery after graduation as qualified specialists.

Дата новости для фото:  15.07.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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