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Graduation from the Electricity Faculty 2022


For several days, graduation ceremonies were held at Stavropol State Agrarian University to honour the graduates of the year 2022. In addition to congratulations from the rector's office and the faculty, the graduates heard warm words of encouragement from the city of Stavropol, representatives of ministries and the university's strategic partners. Traditionally, distinguished graduates of the faculties passed the banner of the University to a new generation of future graduates.

This year, the Faculty of Electricity, Ecology and Landscape Architecture graduated 80 specialists, full-time students. Of these, 34 graduated with honours!

Students at Stavropol Agricultural University do not just gain knowledge, but also put useful skills and competencies into practice. For 20 years, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering has had an accredited electrical laboratory.

It currently services 96 facilities in the North Caucasus Federal District. The working group consists of 20 undergraduate students who have been trained and have the appropriate clearance groups.

Over the past five years the scientists of the department have received more than 100 patents for inventions and utility models; developments have made it possible to reduce heat and electricity consumption and increase the energy efficiency of the university.

A photo report can be viewed at the link: https://vk.com/album-87124_283565427

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