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Seminar "Agribusiness exports in the Russian Federation: sources of growth"


Moscow State Institute of International Relations together with the Federal Centre for Agroexport and Stavropol State Agrarian University holds a series of seminars titled "Exports of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation subjects: sources of growth". The event was held within the framework of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations strategic project "Institute for Global Agrarian Markets" of the state programme "Priority 2030" to support Russian universities. The event is dedicated to the development of the agro-export potential of the agro-industrial complex of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the study of approaches to identifying promising export products and target country areas for their implementation, identifying strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the development of the export of agribusiness products of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the formulation of effective managerial recommendations for the development of export of agribusiness products.

The participants were welcomed by Ivan Atanov, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Youth Policy of the Stavropol State Agrarian University:

- Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, Vice-Rector for Education, Educational Work and Youth Policy of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,

- Dmitry Grigorievich Krasnov, head of FGBU Agroexport,

- Artyom Malgin, MSUFR

In the first - lecture part - of the event were reflected theoretical aspects related to the study of agro-export potential of the Russian Federation subjects. The speakers were specialists from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Agroexport". They covered the following topics: export as a driver of social and economic development of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation; the concept of "exporter's way"; export profile of a region and approaches to its analysis; export development strategy of AIC products of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.


- Vitaly Nagalin, FGBU "Agroexport", Head of Industry Development Department,

- Georgy Semenov, FGBU "Agroexport", Project Manager,

- Varvara Makeeva, FGBU Agroexport, Head of Regional Analysis Department,

- Alexander Pankratov, FGBU "Agroexport", Head of Department of Investment Potential Development and Export Infrastructure.

During the second - seminar - part of the event the participants in the business game format were able to apply in practice the obtained knowledge, identify promising areas of AIC product export development of the Russian Federation subjects and propose effective managerial decisions aimed at their support and development. The business game was moderated by Vitaly Nagalin.

The trainees were divided into several teams, for each of which one of the subjects of the Russian Federation was assigned. Given the introductory lecture and the handouts provided to all participants of the teams containing factual, statistical and informational data about the analysed region, the trainees had to implement a case task to form a SWOT analysis of the region in the field of export development of agro-industrial complex products. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the development of agro-industrial exports in the studied region. The trainees had to conclude whether the region has favourable conditions for the development of exports of agro-industrial complex products.

The second task was to identify promising supply markets for export-oriented products and to develop a brief justification of the identified product-country pairs. The work was based on the formed analysis in the field of export development of agro-industrial complex products of the region, the information received during the lecture about the "exporter's way" and its main stages, as well as the knowledge in the field of work with statistical information. Particular attention has been paid to the peculiarities of the analysis of country export directions of agribusiness products of the region in the context of key export products and their comparison with similar country export directions of neighbouring regions or regions with similar export specialisation.

The final case task was to form effective managerial recommendations aimed at the development of the identified "product-country" pairs (promising product areas of AIC in the identified target markets) taking into account the conducted SWOT-analysis of the export development of agro-industrial complex products of the region, main stages of "exporter's path" as well as knowledge about strategic management decisions for development of export of AIC products obtained during the lecture.

The teams defended their prepared practical recommendations for the development of promising export products and target markets. Representatives of each team made a short report in which they reflected: key strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the development of exports of agribusiness products of the subject of the Russian Federation they analysed; identified promising areas of agribusiness product export in the "product-country" format; developed effective managerial recommendations for developing and supporting the identified persepective areas of agribusiness product export. 

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