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Congratulations on the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation


Congratulation of the Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Valentin Sergeyevich Skripkin on the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation

Happy Flag day of Russia!

Dear colleagues!

I congratulate you on the day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation!

The flag is a special symbol of the state, to which every citizen of Russia must respect.

The Russian tricolor embodies the commitment of our people to the ideals of goodness and justice. This is a symbol of the power and greatness of Russia, its glorious history and victories, scientific discoveries and cultural achievements.

I wish you all health, happiness and prosperity! Let the Russian flag fly over our united and mighty country! And in our hearts lives a sense of pride for the Fatherland!

Acting Rector of Stavropol SAU

Professor V.S.Skripkin 

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