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Knowledge Day at Stavropol State Agrarian University


Traditionally, the first day of the new academic year began for the participants of the Stavropol State Agrarian University commencement ceremony with the student anthem Gaudeamus, which was performed by 40 student vocalists. This year, the university opened its doors to more than 3,000 first-year students. They were greeted by distinguished guests, upperclassmen and university partners. The first-year students of higher professional education and secondary professional education were treated to ceremonies.

Gala line welcoming speech was opened by the Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin: "Keep sacred and multiply our traditions, enrich yourself spiritually, morally, intellectually, we wish you only good in our walls, and we promise you that you are not only not disappointed, but will always carry the title of student of Stavropol State Agrarian University with pride in life! Farewell, happy holidays to you!"

In the new, bright, student life first-year students were parted by the guests of honor:

- Olga Viktorovna Timofeeva, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a graduate of Stavropol State Agrarian University,

- Igor Andryushchenko, Chairman of the Stavropol Duma Committee on Agrarian and Land Issues, Nature Management and Ecology,

- Yuri A. Skvortsov, Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Committee on Legislation, State Building and Local Self-Government,

- Pavel Bondarev, President of ASTB Agroholding.

. Ivan D. Salomatin, Director of AGRICO LLC

"Believe me, you and the specialties you have chosen today are needed in Russia more than ever. Today we are frightened by sanctions, by hunger, but we know that you will become the best ecologists, the best agrarians, the best machine operators, all those who are trained here, at this university," Olga Timofeeva said to the students.

In a solemn and traditional way, the seniors handed the freshmen the Fire and the Key of Knowledge, the symbolic Student Record Book and the Student Card. After that the students pronounced the Oath: "We, the freshmen of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education of Stavropol State Agrarian University, express our heartfelt gratitude for the right and opportunity to study at the best agrarian university in Russia. Entering the ranks of the students, we solemnly swear to master the knowledge, to be devoted to the ideals of humanism and democracy, to contribute to the prosperity of Russia with all our strength and knowledge. We shall strive to contribute to the development of our country's economy and agriculture through good and excellent academic performance and proactive social activities. We promise to make all efforts and knowledge to become not only highly qualified specialists, but also worthy citizens of Russian Federation. We are proud to be students of the legendary university".

By a good tradition, in honor of the 77th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, on the solemn day of initiation into the students, a large agrarian family paid tribute to the students and teachers of the university who fell during the Great Patriotic War. First-year students laid flowers at the memorial.

Composite student squad "Agrarian", which for 22 years has been the best in the Stavropol Territory, marched along the granite square. The squad consists of 9 student and 4 volunteer teams.

The commander Alyona Devyataykina reported on the work done:

- Mechanized detachment "Kolos" - threshed more than eight hundred and fifty thousand quintals of grain, not only in the educational and experimental farm of the university, but also in the farms of the region.

- Veterinary group "Aybolit" carried out more than four hundred complex diagnostic studies of small domestic animals, performed more than a hundred abdominal operations, the squad soldiers spent a summer work semester in one of the leading agricultural holdings of the country on milk production "EkoNiva APK".

- The agricultural team "Technologist" - at the dairy processing plant "EkoNiva Milk Voronezh" produced more than 20 types of dairy products from one thousand four hundred and fifty thousand tons of milk.

- Soldiers of the "Mechta" team - worked for a semester in four children's health camps in Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. In 2022 the team "Dream" became one of the best student teams in Stavropol Krai.

- The construction team "Masterok" repaired and commissioned over 10 thousand square meters of classrooms, laboratories and living quarters in the university dormitories.

- Landscape Building Detachment "Landscaper" - during the academic year we conducted 135 landscaping activities on the territory of our university.

- Service team "Restaurateur" - had practical training in the leading hotel and restaurant complexes of Stavropol, Kuban and the Republic of Crimea.

- The squad "Land Surveyor" - carried out field work with a total area of 27,800 hectares, 3 schemes of agricultural land inventory were prepared.

- The team "Financier" won the nomination of the All-Russian competition of specialized teams of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

- Volunteer group "Tolk" - for several years the group supervises all games of KVN League Caucasus, and since last fall the group began to supervise all scientific conferences, meetings, live broadcasts and activities of any format in the scientific and innovation space of Kipenia Point of Stavropol State Agricultural University.

- Volunteer group "Care" supervises 4 orphanages of Stavropol Krai. During the year 90 volunteer actions were conducted, 26 projects were realized.

The squad won the regional stage of the Russian national award "Student of the Year 2022".

in the nomination "Volunteer Association" and "Volunteer of Russia".

- Activists of the volunteer group "Volunteer" won the all-Russian competition "Volunteer of Russia". The squad's activists include winners of the Russian national award "Student of the Year" and holders of the "Hot Heart" state award. The squad has implemented 23 original socially significant projects.

- Volunteer group "Flame" proved its efficiency in organization of international festival "Student spring of BRICS and SCO countries" and prepares for All-Russian festival "On the Height" which will take place in Stavropol from September 15 till September 20, 2022.

Also athletes of Stavropol State Agrarian University demonstrated their victories and achievements, the freshmen were presented to the teams of the university in various sports. The cars of the driving school of Stavropol State Agrarian University drove along the granite square, the training ground is located on the territory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The first year students were greeted by Miss University-2022, Vice-Miss Student of Stavropol Krai, Elizaveta Yulugina, a student of the Faculty of Economics and Mr. University-2022, Mr. Student of Stavropol Krai-2022, Anton Ermoshkin, a student of the Faculty of Economics.

Traditionally university activists, athletes and young scientists were given symbolic checkbooks for purchasing necessary equipment for their further work. Student union "Agrarian MEDIA" was presented with a certificate for new photographic equipment for the new academic year.

This year the ranks of students of the best agricultural higher education institution of the country recruited more than three thousand people. These guys will build the future of the city, region and Russia. Many of them chose the faculty of secondary vocational education as a quick and high quality start to their specialty. The students who have chosen for themselves SPO and Profession welcomed the Minister of Education of Russia Sergey Sergeyevich Kravtsov.

Modern education is a practical process. The task of the university is to graduate not just an excellent theoretical specialist, but a real professional. And the federal project Professionalitet provides a unique opportunity to create a personnel reserve already at the stage of training, and after a year or two to see not just graduates, but working professionals. One of the important tasks of any educational institution is to provide up-to-date knowledge that meets the challenges of our time.

The celebration ended with a collective flash mob and singing of Stavropol State Agrarian University anthem.

Дата новости для фото:  01.09.2022
Номер новости для фото:  5

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