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Financier's Day at the Accounting and Finance Faculty


On the basis of the Business School "Abc of Money" of the youth technopark "SmartAgro" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Financier's Day was solemnly and vividly celebrated. The first-year students of the areas of study "Finance and Credit", "Accounting analysis and audit", "Economic security", "World Economy", "Digital Economy", "Economics of enterprises and organizations" took part.

On September 8, the whole country celebrates Financier's Day - a holiday dedicated to specialists managing the financial system of our Motherland. Its origins date back to 1802, when Emperor Alexander I decided to establish the Ministry of Finance to maintain order and increase the wealth of the country. Until 2011, financiers celebrated the holiday informally and only from that date, by decree of the President of Russia, it was included in the list of professional holidays.

This holiday is one of the key events of the Stavropol State University Development Program – "Agroinopolis – 2030" (implemented with the support of the Federal Program "Priority - 2030"), aimed at involving young people in research activities, revealing the creative abilities of students to stimulate talents and pumping new soft skills. 

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