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Agrotechnologies of the future: SSAU will host a youth forum of the Russian society "Knowledge" and the Russian Agricultural Bank


On October 27, Stavropol State Agrarian University will host an educational forum “Smart route. Agrotechnologies of the Future”, organized by the Russian Society “Knowledge” and the Russian Agricultural Bank. Participation in the forum is free, you just need to register in advance on the website of the Knowledge Society. After a series of lectures, participants will be able to present their innovative ideas and get the opportunity to develop them in the RSHB accelerator.

Young Stavropol residents will take part in the agrotechnological forum for the first time and will meet with experienced mentors to learn about the main trends and innovations in agriculture, as well as the prospects for the professional development of young professionals in the agro-industrial complex.

The program of the forum, organized as part of the Smart Route federal educational project, will be dedicated to digitalization in the industry, the launch of new agrotech projects, and employment opportunities at agribusiness enterprises.

Rosselkhozbank experts will talk about the opportunities provided by the agro-industrial complex to young people who are inspired to choose a life path and realize their talents in the field of agriculture. The route dedicated to the agro-industrial complex also passes through Volgograd, Astrakhan, Elista and Maykop. It is the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District that are covered, since these regions have great potential for the development of agriculture and are interested in enterprising young professionals. Before the start of discussions and master classes, the participants will be greeted by heads of regional administrations, ministries and departments.

The forum in Stavropol will begin with an introductory lecture by Eleonora Dobrovolskaya, Managing Director of the Center for the Development of Financial Technologies of Rosselkhozbank, about future agricultural technologies and prospects in this area.

Then the participants will receive recommendations from Eleonora Dobrovolskaya on the search for personnel in the I am in Agro. In addition, she, together with the Managing Director of the Center for the Development of Financial Technologies of Rosselkhozbank Ksenia Nadoricheva, will hold a training game “How to pass an interview and get the perfect offer” at the forum, during which she will share tips on how to start a professional path in agrotech and what professional competencies are needed for this. develop. Participants will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, plan a strategy for personal and professional development and show themselves to the employer from the best side.

Anton Ageev, Executive Director of the Digital Transformation Unit of RSHB-Intech, will talk about the digital agronomy of tomorrow, automation and robotization of agriculture.

Akhtyam Davydov, head of the team for the development of artificial intelligence technologies, analytics and digital marketing, and managing director of the Center for the Development of Financial Technologies of Rosselkhozbank, will reveal an interesting topic “Autonomous lettuce and a digital veterinarian: how artificial intelligence helps farmers”.

The lecture “Startups in agriculture is a trend” and a large master class “From an idea to a startup” will be held by Maxim Kovalenko, head of the Svoe Rodnoe project, managing director of the Center for the Development of Financial Technologies of Rosselkhozbank, and Zhanna Dichenko, curator of the Farmer’s School project. Together with the mentors, the children will discuss innovative ideas, try out the tools of the theory of inventive problem solving (TIPS) and special approaches to the development of creative imagination. The authors of the best solutions will have the opportunity to continue the development of the project in the accelerator of the Russian Agricultural Bank.

You can get acquainted with the program of the forum on the website of the Russian society "Knowledge" at the link. Venue of the event: Stavropol, per. Zootechnichesky, 12, Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Poster "Smart Route" in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District:

October 26, 11:00 - 15:00. Elista, Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov, st. A. S. Pushkina, 11. Program and online registration at the link.

October 27, 11:00 - 15:00. Stavropol, Stavropol State Agrarian University, per. Zootechnichesky, d. 12. Program and online registration at the link.

October 28, 11:00 - 15:00. Maikop, Maikop State Technological University, st. Pervomayskaya, d. 191. Program and online registration at the link.

The Russian society "Knowledge" traces its history from the Soviet public organization, founded in 1947 on the initiative of representatives of the Soviet intelligentsia as the "All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge" (since 1963 - the All-Union Society "Knowledge", since 1991 - the Society "Knowledge of Russia"). Members of the Society were engaged in the popularization of science, lectured on the achievements of the Soviet economy and industry. In 2016, "Knowledge of Russia" was transformed into the All-Russian Public and State Educational Organization Russian Society "Knowledge". On April 21, 2021, during the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin announced the need to restart the Russian Knowledge Society on a modern digital platform.

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