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Young researchers assessed the physicochemical parameters of soil samples of various anthropogenic load


As part of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority-2030" at the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the "School of the Young Naturalist" was created. Any student or college student can try himself as a chemist.

A practice-oriented lesson was held at the school with 3rd year students of the Stavropol State Polytechnic College studying in the specialty "Rational use of environmental complexes." The lesson was held by the head of the department of chemistry and plant protection, doctor of agricultural sciences. Sciences, Professor Anna Petrovna Shutko and Ph.D. Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Valentinovna Pashkova.

College students, under the guidance of their leading teacher, Lyubov Vladimirovna Grigorieva, undergo an educational practice in the professional module 1 "Carrying out activities for the protection and protection of the environment."

On the basis of the “School of the Young Naturalist”, in the conditions of a chemical laboratory, young researchers assessed the physical and chemical parameters of soil samples of various anthropogenic loads (college stadium, Oktyabrskaya street, forest near the St. Seraphim Sarovsky Spring). The students mastered the methods of preparing a suspension of soil, water and salt soil extract, gained skills in working with a stationary laboratory and portable pH meter, and conducted a comparative assessment of the acidity of selected soil samples.

The results of the research will be presented by college students as part of a study practice report.

Дата новости для фото:  27.10.2022
Номер новости для фото:  16

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