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Round table to discuss methods of data collection and creation of thematic blocks of specialized GIS "Rural areas of the region"


The seminar was the first joint event of the Higher School of Economics and Stavropol State Agrarian University under the project "Spatial analysis as a key tool for managing rural development in the region: principles, methods, practical recommendations", implemented as part of the "Mirror Laboratories" program in 2022-2024. Recall that in 2022 Stavropol State Agrarian University, together with its partner High School of Economics, became the winner in the Mirror Laboratories project competition of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

The responsible unit for the implementation of the project on the part of SSAU is the educational and research laboratory for monitoring the sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas, created at the university as part of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030".

The purpose of the project submitted for the competition is to develop, using the example of the Stavropol Territory, a fundamentally new spatially differentiated approach to managing rural development, based on a detailed account of territorial differences in natural conditions, demographic characteristics, economic practices, infrastructure provision, and the environmental situation.

Among the planned results of the project, it is planned to jointly conduct monitoring studies, experiments, scientific events and internships, involve students and graduate students in project scientific activities, joint publications, filing an application for patent registration, etc.

Partner universities independently finance the conduct of scientific research to their responsible departments on a parity basis. Thus, SSAU plans to allocate 1.4 million rubles for the implementation of the project in 2022, and 2.5 million rubles each in 2023 and 2024. In just three years, our university will allocate 6.4 million rubles for field research and monitoring of sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas, including the analysis of geospatial data.

Within the framework of the "Mirror Laboratories" project, a training seminar "Using geographic information systems (GIS) for rural development planning" was held.

The joint event, held at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, was attended by employees of the Institute for Agrarian Research of the Higher School of Economics, the Geodata Center of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technologies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Faculty of Economics of the SSAU:

Serova Evgeniya Viktorovna, Director for Agrarian Policy of the Institute for Agrarian Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (InAGIS NRU HSE), Doctor of Economics, Professor;

Yanbykh Renata Gennadievna, Head of the Department of Agrarian Policy, InAGIS, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor;

Naumov Aleksey Stanislavovich, Head of the Department for the Study of Rural Development Problems, InAGIS National Research University Higher School of Economics, Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor;

Aniskina Tatyana Andreevna, Director of the Center for Geodata, Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technologies, National Research University Higher School of Economics;

Zvyagintseva Olga Sergeevna, Researcher, InAGIS NRU HSE, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor;

Mitrofanov Sergey Vladimirovich, Researcher, InAGIS NRU HSE, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;

Nikulina Yulia Nikolaevna, expert of the Agricultural Policy Department of InAGIS National Research University Higher School of Economics, Candidate of Economics;

Lugovskoy Sergey Ivanovich, head of the educational and research laboratory for monitoring sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas, associate professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, SSAU, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;

Cherednichenko Olga Aleksandrovna, Researcher of the Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics, SSAU, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor;

Shevchenko Evgeniy Alexandrovich, Researcher of the Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, SSAU, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor.

During the seminar, its participants got acquainted with the principles of creating specialized GIS and the features of their use for the study of rural areas, mastered the skills of using GIS software, learned how to work with GIS layers (land use, rural settlement and rural infrastructure, rural economy and a general assessment of the level of social economic development of rural areas).

Дата новости для фото:  28.10.2022
Номер новости для фото:  1

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