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Stavropol State Agrarian University is growing with "mirror laboratories"


On October 26, an agreement was signed between the Stavropol and Kuban State Agrarian Universities on the establishment of the “Mirror Laboratory "Center for the Study of the Quality of Life"”. Universities are planning to conduct joint scientific studies of the quality of life in the countryside on the territory of their regions.

The meaning of the mirror laboratory is that research will be carried out according to uniform methods. Universities will share their experience and research results with each other. Thus, upon completion of the work, diagnostics of the state of rural areas in the south of Russia will be carried out. Both parties plan to involve young researchers, students and post-graduate students in the work on the project.

“Our university has been working on studying the quality of life of the rural population since 2019. Certain experience and an array of statistical data have been accumulated. The mirror laboratory, created together with our Kuban colleagues, will allow using a single methodology, exchanging data and experience”, - explained Professor Olga Kusakina, Dean of the Faculty of Economics.

“The country's leadership widely uses the concept of "quality of life" in its regulatory and strategic documents. At the same time, there are no uniform standards for its assessment for villagers. There is no understanding of how to differentiate them depending on geographical, climatic, social and other differences. This is the reason for the objective need to develop and approve standards for the quality of life in rural areas of the Russian Federation. Their implementation has both theoretical and methodological and practical significance for every villager”, - explained the importance of combining the efforts of various scientific institutions in developing quality of life standards, Head of the Department of Economic Security, Statistics and Econometrics, SSAU Professor Alexei Gerasimov.

In August of this year, the Stavropol State Agrarian University created a mirror laboratory together with the Higher School of Economics, which is developing a new spatially differentiated approach to managing the agro-industrial complex of the Stavropol Territory.

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