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Participants in the Agro&InfraUP acceleration programme learnt about innovations in marketing technology


The main objective of strategy development is to determine the main priorities and proportions of the organisation's development, taking into account the material sources of its supply and market demand. In order to adopt a particular marketing strategy, an organisation introducing a technological innovation must have information about the state of the micro and macro environment.

The relevance and practical importance of the study of innovation marketing is determined by the increased complexity of entrepreneurial activities in modern markets. Knowledge of peculiarities of innovative products marketing, understanding of the most serious strategic problems of marketing management, ability to use adequate managerial tools for successful commercialisation of innovations are critical for successful operation of growing enterprises in high-tech sectors.

The speaker was Andrei Igorevich Repin, a member of the expert council of ANO Centre for Support of Innovation Projects "SOTKA", entrepreneur, developer of fast food brand KVIK CHIK, creator of strategic consulting group InOut. The lecturer talked about how to properly organize the marketing of technological innovations, focusing on the problems of marketing management arising for small and medium-sized companies operating in industries with a high rate of technological change.

The specifics of marketing of technological innovations arise from the peculiarities of the innovation process. Marketing strategy is a set of long-term decisions on how to meet the needs of existing and potential customers of the company through the use of its internal resources and external opportunities.

Where micro environment includes analysis of competitors, suppliers, contact audiences and customers, and macro environment contains description of economic, demographic, scientific and technical factors, factors of natural environment, as well as segmentation of the market of technological products.

Дата новости для фото:  31.10.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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