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SSAU was the first agricultural university to set up a Psychological Service for students and staff


K.D. Ushinsky (the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia) called student age "the most decisive", for it is precisely this period that to a large extent determines a person's future and is a time of intense self-improvement.

Student age is the age of the two most important choices in a person's life: career and life partner. The need to make decisions raises a number of complex psychological problems.

It is important that at the time of choice the student does not have any irritating factors. The main objectives of the Psychological Service are to provide psychological counseling to the students and staff of the university in the field of social and family relationships, personal growth and self-development.

All employees of Psychological service of SSAU are professional teachers-psychologists, doctors and candidates of sciences with experience of advisory work.

For competent carrying out of psychological help the university bought the equipment, including universal psychodiagnostic system "Multipsychometer", the complete set for audiovisual stimulation, professional psychological toolkit "SANATA", sychophysiological antistress system "Sensorium", etc.

With the help of psychologists and software the work with young people will be carried out, which will make it possible to identify problem areas, and most importantly, to find ways to solve them.

Any student or teacher can make an appointment.

Psychological service in Stavropol State Agrarian University starts its work within the framework of implementation of the Concept of Development of Psychological Services Network in Educational Institutions of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, approved by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia V.N. Falkov (dated August 29, 2022).

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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