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SSAU scientists work to increase winter wheat productivity by optimising soil mineral nutrition


For every country, like for the Russian Federation, agricultural production, especially grain, is a strategic objective. The entire population on planet Earth depends on the quantity of this production. At such a difficult time for Russia, it is essential to provide food for the people of our country.

In 2022, Alena Ozheredova, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, was awarded a grant from the President of the Russian Federation to conduct scientific research "Realisation of winter wheat potential productivity through mineral nutrition optimisation in dynamic environmental conditions in the soil and climatic zones of the Central PredCaucasus".

According to the application, 5 stages were planned for the first year of research. The first stage included soil sampling and agrochemical analysis before setting up experiments in three climatic zones of Stavropol Territory. Soil sampling was carried out on October 1 at the training and experimental station of SSAU, AO "Kolos" and OOO"Stavropol runo". From October 1 to October 7, soil samples were examined at the agrochemical analysis laboratory.

The second stage included the calculation of mineral fertiliser rates based on agrochemical survey data using author's formulas by scientists of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, Professors Valentin Vasilyevich Ageyev and Alexander Nikolayevich Esaulko. The remaining three stages, such as breakdown of experiments, pre-sowing of mineral fertilizers, sowing of winter wheat with the application of mineral fertilizers were conducted in farms from 11 to 23 October.

Fertilizers are the most important lever of intensification of agriculture. They allow an efficient use of the limited size of agricultural land. In order to increase the production of high-quality winter wheat grain it is important to study the theoretical basis for the use of mineral fertilizers and to identify the relationship in the system soil - fertilizer - yield.

According to the results of research, the potential productivity of winter wheat will be realized in three soil-climatic zones of the Central Caucasus through the optimization of mineral nutrition. After processing the obtained data of vegetation index NDVI, agrochemical indicators, chemical composition of the plant and crop productivity will be revealed correlations. Depending on macro- and microelement content in soil and plants, yield structure indices, yield forecast equations of winter wheat were proposed.

During implementation of grant has published two articles in proceedings of International conference, one article in databases Scopus and Web of Science, 3 articles included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, 5 training courses have been held, 2 certificates have been received, application for patent has been submitted, computer program has been prepared for recording.

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2022
Номер новости для фото:  1

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