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Stavropol GAU joined the patriotic project "Knowledge about heroes"


As part of the project, students were able to learn firsthand about the course of a special military operation, the exploits of heroes and the work of the rear. The participants of the SVO, volunteers, and doctors spoke to the audience. The main goal is to rally the people of Russia around eternal values: courage, love for the Motherland, heroism, bravery and loyalty to the Fatherland.

Students of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology joined the marathon "Knowledge about heroes". During the live broadcast, the participants of the special military operation in Ukraine told their stories, as well as people who committed heroic deeds outside the battlefields: volunteers, doctors, scientists, rescuers. The personal stories of these selfless people will inspire young people to support their Fatherland.

The meeting was attended by: Head of the Department of Philosophy and History, Professor Evgeny Vasilyevich Tufanov, Professor of the Department Ivan Ivanovich Gulyak, Honorary Professor of the Department Vladimir Ismailovich Kurchev and Head of the Department of Socio-psychological Support and Self-development of personality Tatiana Ivanovna Gunko, who gave explanations to students' questions during the broadcast.

"Personal examples always play a big role in the formation of a civic position. Our generation grew up on the stories of grandfathers and great-grandfathers about the heroism of the Soviet army, in the fight against fascism. Unfortunately, life is fleeting, and today's youth no longer have the opportunity to learn about the Great Patriotic War firsthand, but they can get an idea of no less important historical events, namely a special military operation. It is important that the guys listen to the stories of those who are directly involved in these events. The project "Knowledge about Heroes" makes it possible to learn everything not from news programs, but from eyewitnesses. This makes it possible to correctly understand the situation, evaluate it and draw conclusions without the pressure of the external information environment," said Evgeny Tufanov.

The project is organized by the Russian society "Knowledge", dedicated to the heroes of Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.11.2022
Номер новости для фото:  7

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