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A project to study a new form of the Russian national currency – the digital ruble has reached the Finathlon Forum finals


Finathlon Forum is an international scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists on sustainable development, investment and financial risks. Students and teachers of the Accounting and Finance Faculty presented their projects at the Finathlon Forum.

A team of researchers from the Stavropol State Agrarian University conducted work on calculating the advantages for issuing a digital ruble and introducing it into circulation, as well as the risks that may arise during the implementation of the Digital Ruble project. Students and teachers described the role of the subjects involved in the turnover of the national currency, paid special attention to the tokenization process, determined the role of the mega-regulator in the turnover of tokens.

The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the world community, in the conditions of digitalization, converts national currencies into digital assets.

Participation in the project of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Finathlon Forum for students is, first of all, a valuable experience, a test of their strength, new knowledge and interesting acquaintances.

The purpose of the forum is to popularize interdisciplinary knowledge, to form a sustained interest of young people in modern issues of sustainable development, investment, digital economy and financial risks, to promote the development of critical thinking skills, to promote ideas of cultural and civilizational diversity. 

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