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The financial marathon "Happiness is not in money" united the first-year students of StGAU


A financial marathon "Happiness is not in money" among first-year students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty took place at the site of the "Abc of Money" Business School of the FoodNet Youth Technopark of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The financial marathon is held for the seventh time. The organizer was the SFO "Financier".

The purpose of the tournament is to increase financial literacy and intellectual potential of young people in managing personal financial resources through:

– promotion of knowledge that contributes to the acquisition of reasonable habits and skills in the field of personal (family) budget formation, the use of banking services, including the use of loans, maintaining personal and family budgets, the correctness of the calculation of taxes and their payment, the procedure for life and property insurance;

– identification of new youth initiatives aimed at improving the level of financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory;

– creation of an algorithm for the formation of the habit of the population to the validity of financial decisions made in the management of household finances and personal finances;

– formation of a positive image of a financially literate person. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.11.2022
Номер новости для фото:  15

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