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Students and foreign guests held scientific debates at the Boiling Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


The international discussion platform "Problems of the present and the vectors of their solution: the view of the young" of the International student scientific and practical discussion club "Dialogue", gathered this year students, undergraduates, graduate students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the North Caucasus Federal University, as well as foreign guests from far and near abroad countries - India, Zambia, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Congo, etc.

The international student scientific and practical discussion club "Dialogue" has existed at the Agrarian University for more than 10 years. This year the discussion was organized by professo rs from SSAU and NCFU.

The topics raised by the speakers go far beyond national borders. Participants Barakan Ali from Egypt and Venkatesh Ajaniz from India highlighted the potential for FoodNet development in high-density countries in Asia and the Middle East.

A lively discussion was aroused by the reports of SSAU students Darmilova Dana on the topic: “Personalized nutrition - a vector for the development of the FoodNet market” and Serafimova Veronika on the topic: “Transformation of corporate governance in the digital era. The topic “The nature of the stock market of the Russian economy”, consecrated by NCFU student Maria Dolgopolenko, did not go unnoticed.

Toure Mohamed Isham from Côte d'Ivoire, master of the program "Audit and financial consulting" of SSAU, in his speech raised the problem of digital transformation of internal audit.

As a result of the work of the club, all participants were awarded certificates, and the research results that aroused the greatest interest were awarded diplomas.

The event was held under the auspices of the Priority 2030 Federal Program.

- We consider the formats of events where students can communicate not only with their compatriots, but also with children from other countries, to be very important for the educational and upbringing process. A look at the situation from the other side helps to expand horizons and learn to think in terms of macroeconomic indicators, - said Elena Kostyukova, Dean of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU.

Дата новости для фото:  15.11.2022
Номер новости для фото:  7

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