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How can you make the worst mistake in doing business without the risk of completely losing your capital?


Yes, it is possible - comments Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy Bannikova Natalya Vladimirovna - when this business is a dynamically developing virtual enterprise under the control of a student in the computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE".

For an economist and manager, the issue of acquiring skills and practical skills during studies is always acute, continues Natalya Vladimirovna. After all, if students of technological faculties can take a real part in the production process during their work experience, then the future economist will be entrusted, at best, with the preparation of primary data or their registration. As a result, employers complain that a young specialist does not always understand how cash flow is formed in practice, what long-term consequences certain models of market behavior have, how numerous indicators necessary for making managerial decisions are interconnected.

The computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE" provides an opportunity to independently "run" the business, trying various strategies and observing their economic consequences. This simulator, developed by MSU specialists, allows you to see detailed information about the results of the enterprise at each step of the game in the form of a whole complex of reporting and analytical forms. It imitates business management as an integral financial and economic system, is a kind of interactive textbook on management with a huge number of examples generated by the actions of the students themselves.

At the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy "BUSINESS COURSE" is traditionally used in the educational process. Within a month, 4th year students of the directions "Economics of enterprises and organizations" and "World economy" under the guidance of Professor Natalia Vladimirovna Bannikova and Associate Professor Daria Olegovna Gracheva practiced the skills of economic justification of management decisions, developed strategic thinking. Classes in the form of training ended with competitions of teams for the best implementation of the virtual enterprise development project.

According to the participant of the business game - student Vladimir Khaustov - this form of training is not only interesting and exciting due to the presence of a competitive element in it, it allows you to see the practical implementation of many economic laws and dependencies, to observe the consequences of your thoughtful decisions and mistakes.

As a result of independent work in the information educational environment "BUSINESS COURSE", students by immersion passed another important step in their formation as professional economists, having received emotionally charged knowledge.

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