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Veterinary students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University learn how to care for rabbits


For students of the Veterinary Faculty of SSAU, a practical lesson was held in the barn of the university on the topic: “Anti-epizootic measures. Basic methods of disease control.

Associate professors of the Department of Epizootology and Microbiology Nikolay Gvozdetsky and Alexander Simonov taught students how to give rabbits injections of vitamins to increase immunity. Examine the ears for the presence of ear mites. To carry out the prevention of coccidiosis, which is deadly for rabbits.

“Since I was a child, I have dreamed of helping animals. And today I am even closer to my goal. For the sake of helping such little babies, I entered the Veterinary Faculty, - Katya Timoshinova, a student of the FVM, shared her impressions of the practical lesson.

- After studying the theoretical part, it is very important to give the guys more practical exercises with the animals they will work with. Only in this way will they understand the essence of the profession and get real skills that will allow them to work successfully after graduation. Fortunately, excellent conditions have been created at our university for practical training with different types of animals,” said Alexander Simonov, Associate Professor of the Department of Epizootology and Microbiology.

Дата новости для фото:  17.11.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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