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How to increase the yield of blueberries know in the Stavropol State Agrarian University


A research team of scientists from SSAU and the Timiryazev Academy conducted joint scientific research to improve the technology for obtaining a healthy planting material for blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum L. as part of the Priority 2030 program.

The issues of creating virus-free and resistant to external influences planting material in the Stavropol State Agrarian University have been dealing with for a long time. The Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources under the guidance of Professor Alexander Esaulko has achieved significant results in the creation and testing of microcloning technology for garden strawberry and blackberry seedlings. Currently, the university is building up their production to reach a commercial level. Blueberries are next.

Scientists studied the effectiveness of fluorescent lamps in comparison with natural light at the stage of rooting plant seedlings in agroperlite substrate. As well as the effect of different doses of fertilizer. As a result, the most effective combinations of seedling supplementary illumination modes, as well as doses and combinations of fertilizers, were determined.

- The advantage of our development is in obtaining a healthy blueberry planting material acclimatized to the soil and climatic conditions of the South of Russia. We predict an increase in yield up to 15%, as well as economic benefits for enterprises due to the acceleration of the production of healthy blueberry planting material. From one vegetative bud in 10 months we get 800 acclimatized, improved samples of blueberries, - explains the advantage of the method, Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Professor Alexander Esaulko.

— At the end of August this year, the enterprises of the Stavropol Territory launched the first project in Russia for year-round cultivation of blueberries in a greenhouse. The consumers of our developments are industrial blueberry lining-out nursery, personal subsidiary plots, agricultural consumer cooperatives and farms. In the near future, the scientific team plans to work on reducing the cost of nutrient media for seedlings and conduct research on other crops. As a result, we will issue scientific and practical recommendations for agricultural producers. We are working on obtaining patents,” Vladimir Sitnikov, Acting Rector of SSAU, outlined the prospects for the scientific team.

For reference.

Research on improving the technology for obtaining healthy blueberry planting material is carried out thanks to the Priority 2030 federal grant program, which included both agrarian universities. An article by a team of scientists from the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Timiryazev Academy was published in the highly rated Forests scientific journal of the MDPI publishing house. The journal is included in the first quartile of the international databases Web of Science and Scopus.

Link to article https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/13/10/1550

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