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Postgraduate students of six universities will be taught writing scientific articles at the Stavropol State Agrarian University


On November 15, SSAU launched an additional education program for university scientists "Academic literacy and rhetorical construction of the text of an empirical article: theory and practice." It will be attended by 408 graduate students and young scientists from 6 agricultural universities.

Students from Stavropol, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkarian, St. Petersburg, Chuvash agrarian universities and the Timiryazev Academy will learn how to write and format papers for publication in scientific journals.

— At our base, graduate students from 6 agrarian universities will learn the design of scientific research, that is, the ability to write scientific articles in the world's leading scientometric databases. It's not just about text formatting. It is important for a scientist to understand global trends in scientific research. Be able to organize information and present it in the right way. Based on the results of the training, students will receive new competencies in order to conduct high-quality research and competently present scientific results,” explained the usefulness of the program for postgraduate students of universities, SSAU Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Professor Alexei Bobryshev.

Classes are held online 2 times a week. They are free for listeners. At the end, participants will be able to consolidate their knowledge at the final certification.

— For this training program, we have attracted the best specialists in this field from the Association of Science Editors. They will literally take students – graduate students – by the hand and lead them to the end of the journey – to writing an article in a highly rated world journal. At the end of the year, we will look at the learning outcomes. Let's listen to the graduates. We will make a decision whether it is necessary to launch such courses on an ongoing basis,” said Vladimir Sitnikov, Acting Rector of SSAU.

The first block of training under the program "Academic Literacy and Rhetorical Construction of the Text of an Empirical Article: Theory and Practice" will end at the end of December. Those students who want to delve deeper into the topic will be able to go through the second stage next year. Classes at SSAU are held under the auspices of the federal project "Priority-2030".

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