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A team of engineers from Stavropol Agrarian University has developed an import-substituting method for designing magnetic systems


A team of employees of the Department of Electricity Application in Agriculture of Stavropol State Agrarian University within the framework of the federal program "Priority 2030" developed a method for calculating the magnetic system of axisymmetric cylindrical models. This development, which has no analogues in Russia, will help engineers solve problems in the field of designing electrical machines.

A team of engineers represented by professors Gennady Nikitenko and Ivan Atanov, as well as associate professors Evgeny Konoplev and Alexander Lysakov, worked on the development of a design system for a year. It allows the user to perform engineering calculations using computer programs, helping to determine the parameters and characteristics of magnetic systems for flat and solid models, such as generators, motors, transformers, etc.

— The theoretical developments of our engineers have received practical confirmation. Based on the developed method of the magnetic system of a synchronous generator with a double-circuit magnetic system, a prototype generator was designed. It made it possible to conduct experimental studies and confirm the reliability of theoretical calculations. Practice has shown that the use of a double-circuit magnetic system of the rotor of a synchronous generator made it possible to increase its power and energy efficiency in comparison with traditional generator designs, - said Maxim Mastepanenko, Dean of the Electrical Power Faculty of SSAU.

According to the developers, the accuracy of the calculation according to the proposed method is not inferior to Western analogues.

- Well-known analogues of development environments for the design of magnetic systems are under Western sanctions. Russian engineers need to have their own tools to solve the tasks in the field of designing electrical machines. We are ready to offer one of them. Now we are working on the economic part of the project and are thinking about the necessary measures to scale it up and put it into production. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of the magnetic system from Stavropol scientists will not be higher than that of foreign analogues, - Vladimir Sitnikov, acting rector of SSAU, determined the prospects for implementing the development.

Design and educational organizations, research structures will be able to use the methodology. This development will make it possible to make the necessary calculations without resorting to Western design systems.

For reference

On the basis of the proposed calculation method, a synchronous generator with a double-circuit magnetic system was designed, for which a patent for the invention No. 2680642 "Synchronous generator with a double-circuit magnetic system" was received. Nikitenko G.V., Konoplev E.V., Salpagarov V.K., Konoplev P.V., Bobryshev A.V. // BI. 2018. No. 3.

The article "Method of calculating the magnetic system of an axisymmetric cylindrical model of a synchronous generator with a double-circuit magnetic system" was published in the journal "Electrical Engineering".

Дата новости для фото:  05.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  10

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