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SSAU School of Logical Thinking graduated first students


The first students of the school "Logic of thought and the art of persuasion" of Stavropol State Agrarian University held the last lesson this week and received certificates of successful completion of the training.

– The whole educational process is aimed at gradually instilling in students the ability to think independently and logically, to perceive the world critically, passing information through the sieve of their thinking, and at the end to get their own intellectual product. For the first time, listeners came into contact with the complex constructions of forms of thinking and the labyrinths of logical laws, the mental traps of sophisms, the intractable absurdity of Zeno's aporias, the Gordian knot of logical paradoxes that is difficult to unravel. Never in a period of one and a half months has the intellect of the listeners received such rich food for thought, which will allow them not to stop there, but to follow the path of developing their thinking and bringing it to the conditions of a deep, sharp, critical-analytical mind, opening before them great life prospects, ― says the head of the school, associate professor Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin.

Дата новости для фото:  09.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  6

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