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SSAU knows how to make a chicken lay golden eggs


Scientists of the basic department of private zootechnics, selection and breeding of animals of the biotechnological faculty of SSAU know how to care for poultry and can help poultry farmers achieve high productivity without the use of imported components. For many years, the university, under the guidance of Professor Elena Epimakhova, has been conducting research on adaptive technologies in poultry farming. The emphasis is on organic technologies.

— The effective development of small-scale egg and meat poultry farming is an important direction for the agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasus region. Poultry breeders expect effective and easy-to-implement technologies for the production of eggs and poultry meat from us, scientists, - says the dean of biotechnological and veterinary medicine faculties, Dr. of Biology Professor Valentin Skripkin.

This year, thanks to the funds of the federal program Priority 2030, Stavropol State Agrarian University launched a research work “Development of effective programs for the use of regionally and economically oriented poultry genetic resources”. The studies were carried out in model and field conditions. Their goal is to offer enterprises effective methods of incubating eggs, rearing young animals and keeping egg and meat chickens of regionally oriented crosses: Dominant TsZ, Redbro M, Cobb-500.

In October-November 2022, experiments were conducted at the university’s vivarium on the effect of domestic producers’ feed on the productivity of Cobb-500 cross broiler chickens, which are positioned by manufacturers as means designed to increase the viability of animals and birds.

Fifteen of my students watched and looked after the bird around the clock. One of them started a telegram blog, "Lisa Raises Broilers", which attracted a large number of subscribers. It turns out that many people are interested in observing the progress of experiments, - shared the head of the study, Professor Elena Epimakhova.

The scientists' results were encouraging. In the course of the experiments, excellent indicators of the productivity of broiler chickens of the Cobb-500 cross were obtained, which will be of interest to industrial and small-scale poultry farms.

— The mentioned study was conducted by university scientists in the interests of one large regional poultry farm. We offered the customer ready-made solutions. How can they establish the technology of poultry care with the help of domestic organic feed in order to obtain the best indicators for increasing the weight of the bird and the environmental friendliness of products. Our developments, by the way, will be useful for households. It is also important for the university that students get excellent practice and experience in scientific work. And some even became a popular blogger, - said the acting rector of SSAU Vladimir Sitnikov.


2022 competition for research projects funded by the Priority 2030 program. Research work "Development of effective programs for the use of regionally and economically oriented poultry genetic resources." Head – professor Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova, performers - associate professor Evgeny Ivanovich Rastovarov, graduate student Ksenia Vladimirovna Chervyakova, students Elizaveta Ivanovna Gribenchenko, Artem Evgenievich Boyarinov, Egor Nikolaevich Negro. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  4

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