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In honor of the day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, students showed their knowledge of the laws


SSAU students took part in the All-Russian test for knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The action is aimed at a qualitative increase in the legal literacy of the population, awareness of their civil rights and obligations, the formation of a just society, where patriotism, legality and respect for statehood occupy a worthy place.

The students were tested in an online format and upon completion received certificates that allow them to assess the level of personal legal literacy and distribute incentives to participants, according to the Affiliate Program.

- Today is one of the big federal holidays - the Constitution Day of Russia. She is 29 years old from the date of adoption. Stavropol Agrarian takes an active part in the all-Russian action. Students from different courses and faculties took part in the test, aimed at improving legal literacy, awareness of their civil rights and obligations, - said the head of the Department of Philosophy and History of the SSAU, Doctor of Historical Sciences Evgeny Tufanov.

The action is carried out by the public movement “Citizen”. For 6 years, more than 4 million people from 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and Russian-speaking communities in 27 foreign countries have taken part in the event. The action was supported by federal and regional executive authorities, educational and cultural institutions, public organizations and business communities. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  5

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