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For three days at SSAU, the best specialists of the country taught startup authors how to implement inventions


Stavropol State Agrarian University, together with the Innopraktika Foundation and Uralchem Innovation, launched the first training program for student startup teams. For three days, the children were taught the art of project presentation, technological entrepreneurship, and the basics of marketing. At the end of the training, each team defended their project. The best received cash prizes and an opportunity for an internship at Uralchem Innovation.

In September, Stavropol State Agrarian University became the winner of the competition of acceleration programs organized by the “Platform of the National Technology Initiative”, where 83 university programs from 46 regions of Russia participated. The program of the Stavropol State Agrarian University “Agro & InfraUP” involves the development of a youth entrepreneurial movement at the university.

“The main task of universities is to teach students not only science, but also the ability to implement developments in life. At the first stage, we stimulate the formation of the so-called “funnel” of ideas, where as many projects as possible fall into. Then they go through many stages of selection. As a result, we should get small enterprises. In practice, most student projects stop development at the commercialization stage. Most of the projects remain gathering dust on the shelves. Only those who manage to make the first sale continue to develop the business. As a rule, work in universities on student startups ends with theoretical development and testing in laboratories. Their authors do not know the needs of the market, do not know how to analyze the audience and competitors, build pricing. They have no idea how to go to an investor and ask for money. The purpose of the acceleration program is to teach students how to present and promote their developments. So that as many finished products as possible reach consumers. To train the children, we invited the best experts in the country from the Innopraktika Foundation and Uralchem Innovations,” Vladimir Sitnikov, Acting Rector of SSAU, explained the task of the acceleration program of the university.

One of the invited experts from “Uralchem Innovation” was Alexander Tetenishchev, a postgraduate student of SSAU.

- My professional path began as a student. From the second year I began to practice at various enterprises in the Stavropol Territory, and after graduation I became interested in innovation. Now I am engaged in supporting projects for modification, testing and implementation. I told the guys what startups are currently relevant for innovation, what our company is ready to accept and develop. Quite recently, I, like the participants of the acceleration program, was full of ideas and plans, so I really want to help them in their implementation. I believe that the Stavropol Agricultural University is the best university in the country, which can provide an excellent basis for further professional growth, - said Alexander Tetenishchev, Agrotechnological Support Manager at Uralchem Innovation.

From Stavropol State Agrarian University, 20 teams from previously selected 51 business projects took part in the program. Teams from four more Russian universities arrived in Stavropol. Business ideas covered a wide range of technologies - from the production of pate enriched with useful substances to the use of unmanned aircraft. According to the results of the event, the first and second places were taken by the SSAU team with the projects “Turnkey Blueberries” and “Kidney and Point”. Third place was taken by ITMO students with their Kombucha bioleather project. The winners received a monetary reward from Uralchem Innovations. Two students Ivan Vdovychenko (SSAU) and Daria Kotvitskaya (KubSAU) were invited by the enterprise for an internship. The Grand Prix and 100 thousand rubles from the agricultural sector went to the team with the Electric Motor Instruments project (SSAU). 

Дата новости для фото:  13.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  4

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