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SSAU identified the main drivers for the modernization of information systems and technologies


A meeting was held at the Department of Information Systems, where employees made presentations on the further development of the information economy and the transformation of production processes based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Aspects of Socio-Economic and Information Processes in the Conditions of Transition to a Digital Society”.

The participants made presentations on applied issues of the further development of the information economy and the transformation of production processes in the context of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex. The speakers revealed the problem of sustainable development of information technologies and substantiated the practical feasibility of using digital profiling of personnel and production subsystems at enterprises, focused on modern technologies and methods for digital forecasting of production processes.

In the process of scientific discussion, the main drivers for the modernization of information systems and technologies in the context of the development of the digital environment were identified and substantiated: a qualitative breakthrough in the development of information systems and digital technologies in the agricultural sector; innovative development of specific markets for scientific and technological information; the prospects of media and communication technologies in the agro-industrial complex; modernization of the personnel subsystem of the information complex; the qualitative level of digitalization of the system of agricultural education.

- Modern scientific research in the field of digital transformation consists in a comprehensive IT analysis of trends and information monitoring of the prospects for the formation of sustainable development of digital systems, a qualitative assessment of the direction of using IT components of digital architecture in relation to the modern agro-industrial complex system, - Aleksey Khabarov, meeting participant, head of the department information systems, associate professor. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  5

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