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Stavropol State Agrarian University participates in the development of the region’s berry brand


Berry crops are becoming one of the key areas for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the region, as stated in a press release issued recently by the regional Ministry of Agriculture. Stavropol State Agrarian University offers agricultural producers turnkey solutions for the development of the berry business.

One of the strategic scientific directions of Stavropol State Agrarian University is “Breeding and genetics, biologization and digital technologies in agriculture”, an important place in which is given to the creation of a research and production center “Primary nursery of fruit and berry crops” at the University. The participation of the university in the federal program for the development of universities “Priority 2030” made it possible to bring the work to a new qualitative level.

At the present stage, the University has created and tested a technology for obtaining virus-free planting material for fruit and berry crops (apple, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry) by micro propagation. Research has been carried out to find inexpensive and effective technologies for growing crops that give good results in terms of the output of healthy planting material.

“The method of micro clonal reproduction of cultures allows to receive seedlings not infected with viruses. On the basis of our faculty of agrobiology and land resources, work is underway to improve the technology of micro propagation. We are working on improving the formulation of nutrient media. We are conducting experiments on the methods of growing berry crops: how to care for them, what fertilizers and in what doses give good results. We are looking for the most efficient and cost-effective technologies for specific soil and climatic conditions,” says Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Alexander Esaulko, about the scientific developments of the university.

From theoretical research, SSAU moved to the stage of introducing technologies for the cultivation of berry crops. At the moment, the university is working to reach industrial volumes of production of virus-free rootstocks for nurseries.

“Specialists - fruit growers know that ordinary seedlings of fruit crops are often infected with viruses. The micro clonal propagation method gives a healthy planting material with an efficiency of up to 98%. Considering the importance for the agro-industrial sector of the region of the development of berry nursery, the university is ready to offer farmers ready-made healthy planting material for berry crops and rootstocks of pome crops, as well as technologies for efficient cultivation of crops. Our students are fully immersed in the scientific and production process. Under the guidance of teachers, they do an excellent job with micro cloning technology. Therefore, we are ready to offer business not only methods, but also specialists who are able to implement them,” commented Vladimir Sitnikov, Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  4

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