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Students of StSAU won the regional contest of theatrical variety miniatures "Financial Traps: To Find and Destroy!


The team of students of accounting and finance faculty "Crooks" under the guidance of the head of the chair "Finance, credit and insurance" Irina Glotova was awarded the diploma of the 2nd degree winner of the contest of student theatrical miniatures (STEM). The winners received a well-deserved award in the concert hall of SCFU from the hands of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory - Minister of Finance Larisa Kalinchenko.

The competition was held as part of the implementation of the regional program "Improving financial literacy of the Stavropol Territory and the development of financial education in the Stavropol Territory in 2019-2023" with the support of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory.

Participated 18 teams of up to 5 people, including students, undergraduates and graduate students of universities, colleges and universities, as well as high school students of Stavropol Territory. The participants presented miniatures on the subject of financial fraud. The jury summarized the results in 2 stages: firstly 7 best miniatures were chosen from 18 video-miniatures, then the chosen teams performed live on stage.

Our team "Scammers" presented the theatrical staging "Pension Fund warns: Beware of scammers!", in which participants showed by personal example how not to be a victim of pension scammers.

Participation in the project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "Promotion of financial literacy and financial education in the Russian Federation", in which the students of accounting and finance faculty of StSAU are involved for many years helped the team to win.

- Participation in the project was not just interesting, but also useful, as it provided an opportunity for new professional communication with teachers and practitioners, which can be useful when hiring and get an additional advantage in a professional career - Denis Papasqua, a member of the StSAU team.

Дата новости для фото:  22.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  1

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