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New laboratories for the study of tillage and sowing equipment opened in the Stavropol State Agrarian University


2 classrooms appeared in SSAU equipped for studying tillage and sowing equipment. The sponsors of the opening of the laboratories were JSC "Agropromtekhnika" and RTP "Petrovskoye" - the leading companies in the production and repair of agricultural machinery in the Stavropol Territory.

Mikhailovskaya company "Agropromtechnika" has been producing agricultural machinery for tillage for more than 80 years. SSAU cooperates with it on the production of technological equipment for the production needs of enterprises. The repair and technical enterprise "Petrovskoe" has been engaged in multifunctional equipment for agriculture, including sowing, in Svetlograd for 61 years. At our university, they are dealing with the issue of organizing the serial production of sowing systems that will be installed on the sowing complexes of the enterprise.

Stavropol State Agrarian University became the first university where Agropromtekhnika and Petrovskoye opened classrooms. Their CEOs Kasym Topalov and Anatoly Udovichenko are successful graduates of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. As students, they dreamed of such a practice, and now they are helping a new generation to join the ranks of engineers.

In 1979 I graduated from the Stavropol State Agrarian University, in 1974 I entered. Of course, it is impossible to compare that period with the present. Today it is important to make sure that students are not cut off from life. Computers are good, but you must not be afraid to put your knowledge into practice. We are faced with the fact that production has taken a step forward, new modern equipment has been bought, and many specialists walk around it and do not know what to do with it. Therefore, we are waiting for the production of young, already trained engineers. We, in turn, are ready to provide any assistance to our native university, - Kasym Topalov, General Director of Agropromtekhnika JSC.

I studied within these walls from 1968 to 1973. What was, and what is now - heaven and earth, we never dreamed of such a thing. You have all the necessary equipment, and we will come, show, tell, share our experience - Anatoly Udovichenko, General Director of RTP "Petrovskoye".

Laboratories are equipped with materials manufactured by companies and prototype models of equipment. Presented are modern multimedia technologies worth more than 200 thousand: screens, multimedia panels and computers. Students will be able to find new ways to solve a variety of problems: seeding accuracy, seed crushing, double crops. Future engineers will also be able to complete an internship with subsequent employment at Agropromtekhnika or Petrovskoye.

I consider new classrooms to be a very important step for our faculty. It is pleasant to be in them, it is more pleasant to study and it is much more pleasant and convenient to receive new knowledge. Studying on new equipment, we come out of here as real modern specialists, - Artem Radchenko, student of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.

There is a question about the quality of our education, and this is impossible without the high-quality equipment of our laboratories. A practice-oriented approach to our education is very important to us, so our students should be in the field, on the farm, in the workshop and at the factory, - Vladimir Sitnikov, Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

October 25 at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology SSAU opened laboratory "Kirovets": [[http://www.stgau.ru/news/faculties/meh/news_detail.php?ID=237188]]

Дата новости для фото:  27.12.2022
Номер новости для фото:  10

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