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What was it like - 2022 for the Stavropol State Agrarian University?


For the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the outgoing 2022 was both a difficult and successful year. Let's remember the brightest and most significant of its events. **

January 11

Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became winners and prize-winners of the V All-Russian competition of research works of students, undergraduates and graduate students "Actual problems of the development of insurance and finance in the XXI century."


January 22

A cooperation agreement was signed between the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Belarusian International University "MITSO".


January 25

Anastasia Vikhlyaeva, a student of the Faculty of Economics of SSAU, became the vice-queen of the students of the Union State - 2021.


January 31

Vocalists of SSAU became the best in the city stage of the festival-competition of the patriotic song "Soldier's Envelope".



The data of the Global Aggregate Ranking of Independent Evaluation of Higher Education best-edu.ru has been published - SSAU has entered the Top 10% of the best universities in the world.


February 14

The Stavropol State Agrarian University solemnly awarded 9 winners and participants of the competition for a grant from the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and innovation.


February 16

Professor of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics Valentin Skripkin has been appointed Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.


February 19

The KVN team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University reached the quarter finals of the KVN Major League.


February 22

Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University collected a whole bunch of awards in the regional stage "Young Professionals" of WorldSkills Russia.


February 28

Vocalists of SSAU became the best in the regional stage of the festival-competition of the patriotic song "Soldier's Envelope".


February 28

SSAU took 2nd place in the ranking of agrarian universities in Russia according to the Hirsch index and first place in the i-index. Young candidates and doctors of sciences of SSAU have received 12 grants from the President of the Russian Federation over the past 5 years. This is more than in other agricultural universities in the country.


March 1

The Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization was renamed into the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.


March 2

Scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the owners of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) in the priority area "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by small separate scientific groups."


March 5

Acting rector of SSAU Valentin Skripkin honored the university employees who received awards at the city competition "Woman of the Year".


March 5

SSAU students won the VI International competition of student research works "Problems and prospects for the development of the regional economy in conditions of instability"


March 22

SSAU hosted the full-time final stage of the Regional track (competition) of the All-Russian competition of scientific and technological projects "Big Challenges".


March 23

Anzhelika Gennadievna Alyabyeva, teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, became the winner of the IV International Research Competition "Best Scientific Work 2022".


March 28

Maxim Anuprienko, a post-graduate student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, became the Chairman of the Youth Parliament of the Stavropol Territory.


April 1

The Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of SSAU became the winner of the federal project "Professionality"


April 5

Volleyball team among men's teams entered the top five in Russia.


April 8

SSAU student wins figure skating competition.


April 8

The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Significance and Role of the Soviet Union in the Victory over Nazi Germany and its Allies during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: a new look and understanding" was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University.


April 14

Stavropol State Agrarian University won a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the development of scientific student communities of SSS.


April 15

SSAU became the winner of the All-Russian competition of youth projects from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) among 345 universities.


April 18

The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic "Innovative aspects of the development of service and tourism." To date, the annual international conference has attracted such countries as Russia, China, Hungary, the Republic of Serbia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan.


April 19

Stavropol State Agrarian University became a co-organizer of the XXX Moscow International Veterinary Congress. Acting Rector Professor Valentin Skripkin acted as a member of the organizing committee and speaker of the Congress.


April 20

13 representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University received awards for winning the federal and regional competition "Umnik", two received awards from the Governor of the Stavropol Territory in the field of science and innovation for young scientists and specialists for 2021.


April 20

SSAU students became winners in the Interregional Olympiad on taxes and taxation.


April 22

The gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation to the staff of SSAU has been published on the official Internet portal of legal information of the Russian Federation.


April 22

Creative teams of SSAU received the Grand Prix of the regional festival "Student Spring of Stavropol - 2022".


April 28

Bogdan Alekseev, a student of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, became the silver medalist of the Abilympics International Olympiad.


April 28

Stavropol State Agrarian University entered the First League of the National Aggregate Rating - 2022.


April 28

The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the III stage of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.


April 28

Stavropol State Agrarian University is among the participants in the authoritative Times Higher Education rating for its contribution to the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals.


April 28

The SSAU scientists were awarded the winners of the grant competition of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists.



Stavropol State Agrarian University has become a venue for the All-Russian festival-competition of the patriotic song "Soldier's Envelope".



In May, on the basis of the university, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory, the X Regional Olympiad of participants of student production teams was held.


May 4

The student scientific and innovative association of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Smart Agro" became the winner of the "Student of the Year" award in 2021 in the nomination "Student Scientific Society of the Year".


May 6

Scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University received 2 gold medals at the All-Russian competition "The best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year."


May 11

Stavropol State Agrarian University signed a cooperation agreement with the Stavropol State Medical University.


May 13

The fighters of the military sports club "Dawn" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University passed a memorable route in the mountains of Arkhyz to the places of hostilities for the passes of the Caucasus.


May 17

Federal experts gathered at the Stavropol State Agrarian University to discuss a program for the development of secondary vocational education in the region until 2030.


May 18

The program "State and Municipal Management" of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the 14th in the top ranking of the best universities implementing this program according to Interfax.



May 24

A 1st year student of the faculty of secondary vocational education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Emir Kumratov won gold in the 69 kg weight category at the All-Russian wrestling competitions.


May 25

On the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the regional stage of the All-Russian competition among students of schools in rural settlements and small towns "AgroNTI-2022" was held.



The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the VIII All-Russian competition of scientific works for the best author's research in the field of the financial market “Financial market instruments for the agro-industrial complex of the region.


June 1

The SSAU women's volleyball team is the winner of the Stavropol Territory Cup in volleyball.


June 3

SSAU students took 10 prizes in the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.


June 4

The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the traditional "Grand Final" and Ice Cream Day for graduates of the faculty.


June 7

SSAU students became medalists of the International Insurance Olympiad.


June 7

Magomed Bagavdinov, an activist of the student sports club "Kolos", a master's student of the Faculty of Economics, took the "gold" of the All-Russian tournament "Best of the Best - 2022" in kempo.


June 8

The head of the project office of the Scientific and Innovation Center of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Candidate of Biological Sciences Sergey Masalov, received a commemorative medal from Presidential Aide Andrei Fursenko for his contribution to the Year of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation.


June 9

Stavropol State Agrarian University took 61st place among the 100 best universities in Russia in the RAEX ranking.


June 11

The admission campaign of the federal project "Professionality" has started in the Stavropol State Agrarian University.


June 24

According to the results of the XIII annual National University Ranking (NRU) for 2022 presented by the independent news agency Interfax, Stavropol State Agrarian University took 1st place (for the seventh time in a row) among the country's agricultural universities.


June 27

A student of the Faculty of Economics Anton Ermoshkin won the title of "Mr Student of the Stavropol Territory 2022".



In early July, a traditional gathering of student production teams of the agricultural university took place.


July 5

Four students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the owners of grant funds from the Innovation Promotion Fund.


July 25

Stavropol State Agrarian University won the competition of projects "Mirror Laboratories" of the Higher School of Economics and began to create a "Mirror Laboratory" with it.


August 2

An agreement on scientific and educational cooperation between SSAU and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) was signed.


August 10

Fighters of the military sports club "Dawn" covered more than 50 kilometers along the All-Union route No. 30 "Through the mountains to the sea."


August 11

Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded honorary signs and diplomas of the Russian Youth Union.



Stavropol State Agrarian University has become one of the main partners of the first All-Russian creative festival of working youth "At the Height".


September 2

An agreement was signed between SSAU and the Academy of Education and Culture "Confucius" on cooperation in the field of training students under the additional education program "Basic level of knowledge of the Chinese language."


September 6

Stavropol State Agrarian University won the competition of ANO Platform NTI (for the creation of "Entrepreneurial Boiling Points".


September 8

Stavropol State Agrarian University won the competition of acceleration programs of the NGO "Platform of the National Technological Initiative".


September 15

Stavropol State Agrarian University won the competition of city flower gardens for the most beautiful front entrance.



A competition to support research projects of university teams was held.


September 23

9 representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the winners of the Stavropol Territory Governor's Award among talented youth in the field of scientific and innovative activities "Prize 2022".


September 23

The VI International Scientific Conference "Evolution and Degradation of the Soil Cover" was held in the Stavropol State Agrarian University.


September 28

The first acceleration program "Agro&InfraUP" has started.


September 29

Stavropol State Agrarian University won the grant competition of the Ministry of Education of Russia for the promotion of the Russian language.


September 30

Five students of SSAU became the owners of nominal scholarships from the administration of the city of Stavropol.


October 3

According to the results of the competition, a student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University received the Medallion for Excellence* of the IV industry championship according to WorldSkills standards in the field of information technology DigitalSkills 2022.


October 04

In the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Camp of the asset "Youth Leader" was held.


October 10

Entrepreneurial Boiling Point opened in Stavropol State Agrarian University.


October 10

Stavropol State Agrarian University received 14 medals at the Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition "Golden Autumn-2022".


October 13

SSAU entered the First League of Russia's leading universities in the National Aggregate Ranking of Universities.


October 13

Vladimir Nikolaevich Sitnikov has been appointed Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.


October 15

SSAU became the first agrarian and the only university in the North Caucasus Federal District that became part of the International Network University.


October 21

The scientist of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of the Basic Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals Professor Sergey Oleinik was invited to the working group of the Eurasian Economic Commission.


October 24

The School of Young Scientists of SSAU has ended.


October 24

On the site of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the district stage of the All-Russian student project "Your Move" was held.


October 25

The Stavropol State Agrarian University, with the support of Stavropolagropromsnab LLC, opened the only training and research laboratory of the Petersburg Tractor Plant JSC in the North Caucasus Federal District.


October 28

An agreement was signed between the Stavropol and Kuban State Agrarian Universities on the establishment of the “Mirror Laboratory “Center for the Study of Quality of Life”.


November 1

The Stavropol State Agrarian University has opened a Psychological Service for students and staff.


November 2

Pavel Khotsenko, director of the representative office in the Southern Federal District of the state corporation Rosatom, and the acting rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University agreed on cooperation.


November 3

An agreement was signed between the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Office of the Federal State Statistics Service for the North Caucasus Federal District on the establishment of a basic department at the university to train specialists for the needs of the North Caucasus State Statistics Service.


November 10

The head of the department of youth policy and educational activities of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Sergey Nogin, together with activists of the Stavropol local branch of the United Russia party, visited the Antratsitovsky district of the LPR.


November 17

SSAU has launched an additional education program for university scientists "Academic Literacy and Rhetorical Construction of the Text of an Empirical Article: Theory and Practice".


November 22

Angelina Altukhova, a student of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, became the winner of the All-Russian competition "Big Change".


November 23

SSAU students took 1st and 3rd place in the championship and championship of Russia in taekwondo GTF.


November 23

Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the 1st All-Russian Student Congress “Youth Ideas for the Development of the FoodNet Market”.


November 24

Nurmagomed Jamalov, a student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, became the champion of Russia in judo.



Yana Avakyan, head of the department of educational activities and support of student initiatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, became a participant in a federal project aimed at finding a strategy for implementing youth policy in the country's universities.


November 30

Stavropol State Agrarian University has opened an additional general education program "History of Agriculture in the Stavropol Territory".



The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the Russian contest “Miss and Mr. Students of Russia. Young Faces of the Country.



Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted training for Skolkovo school employees.


December 2

Linara Mazinova, a graduate student of the Electrical Power Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, won first place out of 42 participants at the regional stage of the Andrey Melnichenko Foundation's competition with the project "Development of a device for picking fruits and berries based on a linear electric motor."


December 5

The team "Kolos-StGAU" took first place in the championship of the Stavropol Territory in volleyball among women's teams.


December 7

5 SSAU students won the final stage of the UMNIK project.


December 8

SSAU students won prizes in the competition “Student of the Year. Young agricultural leaders of Russia.


December 11

A team of economics students won the regional youth competition “We are against corruption”.


December 13

Stavropol Agrarian University, together with the Innopraktika Foundation and Uralchem Innovation LLC, launched the first training program for student startup teams.


December 16

The team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University won the Cup of the winners of the KVN KAVKAZ League.


December 16

Two students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became leaders of the regional camp of student activists “Leaders of Stavropol. XXI Century".


December 16

The Academic Folk Choir of SSAU teachers and staff defended the title of "People's Collective of Amateur Artistic Creativity" for another 3 years.


December 20

Teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of SSAU Nina Mukhorotova became the absolute champion of the Russian Cup in weightlifting in the older age groups.


December 21

The boiling point of the Stavropol agrarian is recognized as the best in Russia.


December 22

Magomedsultan Musaev, a student of the Faculty of Economics, became the laureate of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year - 2022" in the "Athlete of the Year" nomination.


December 23

Stavropol State Agrarian University entered the top 50 universities in the ranking of the effectiveness of educational activities.


December 23

SSAU students sent material assistance to the participants of the NWO.


December 26

Stavropol State Agrarian University successfully defended the results of its work on the implementation of its Agroinnopolis 2030 project and became one of the universities that will continue to participate in the program.


December 26

Alena Devyataykina, a student of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, joined the Council for organizing the activities of student teams of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.


December 27

SSAU students won the international competition "My profession: tourism and hospitality industry - 2022".


December 27

One of the brightest events took place in SSAU - the traditional festival "Young Talents of SSAU".


December 28

Athletes of SSAU took the Cup of the Stavropol Territory in weightlifting.


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