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Program "Professionality". Less is not worse


In March 2022, Stavropol State Agrarian University won a federal grant and became a participant in the "Professionality" pilot project. Since September, hundreds of children have been studying under the new accelerated educational program. Can the experiment on the introduction of programs be considered successful and what are its prospects?

The federal project "Professionality" is one of the state initiatives in the field of socio-economic development of the state until 2030. The goal of the program is to provide the country with working hands and middle-level personnel. “Professionalism” is based on three pillars: the first is the involvement in education of employers, “acting market players”, who will also become investors in the education system; the second is the reduction of training periods with an increase in its intensity; the third is the creation of various centers of youth initiatives in educational institutions.

The Educational and Production Center for Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory was opened in the Stavropol agrarian center in October last year. 11 largest agricultural enterprises of the region became partners of the university who signed contracts for the training of children: LLC OPH "Luch", LLC SHP "Svobodny trud", SHP cooperative collective farm "Gigant", CJSC "Sovkhoz named after Kirov", LLC "Stavropolagrosouz", LLC "Agro-Industrial Alliance", LLC "Management Company ASB-Agro", LLC "Agrofirma Zolotaya Niva", LLC "Stavropolskaya Govyadina", LLC "StavropolAgroPromSnab", LLC "Gvardiya" and 7 professional educational organizations.

“The peculiarity and great advantage of “Professionality” is not only in the accelerated program, when we concentrate education on the competencies that a given child and employer need, but also in close contact between the university and the student and a specific enterprise. The guys studying in the specialties of Professionality are assigned to a specific enterprise and a mentor who prepares a specialist for their needs. We have been teaching children for only a few months so far, and the final conclusions about the success of the program can be made later. But already now there is positive feedback from our partner enterprises and from the students themselves,” said Oksana Gavrilova, Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education at SSAU.

Educational programs at SSAU are implemented in four specialties: agronomy, veterinary medicine, zootechnics, maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery and equipment. The training period has been reduced by one year. To date, 20 agreements on targeted training with a guarantee of employment have been concluded. According to forecasts, 85% of all graduates of "Professionality", who possess a set of competencies, will be employed at partner enterprises.

— The “Professionality” program, in which our university got into the “pilot”, is an interesting educational initiative. The labor market is interested in competent and qualified specialists. And many guys, as we saw on the example of our students, are interested in getting a specialty as soon as possible and start earning. The “Professionality” program helped the university improve its material and technical base and find close contact with employers in the region. Thanks to the won grant, we have equipped more than 20 new workshops with the latest equipment. For example, in the welding laboratory, children will be able to master 3 types of welding, work on a honing machine, and hone their driving skills on a combine harvester simulator with an original cabin. Working with mentors from enterprises and their participation in the development of educational programs allow us to improve the quality of education, - said the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Sitnikov.

Дата новости для фото:  18.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  4

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