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SSAU students know how to bring agricultural products to the world market


Students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty took part in the III Eurasian Youth Project School "Space of the World Economy: Ideas, Strategies, Interaction", where they presented strategies for the entry of agricultural products and goods of the South of Russia into the Eurasian Economic Space.

The organizers of the III Eurasian Youth Project School were the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Stavropol State Agrarian University, as well as a number of universities from the CIS countries.

More than 150 best students from 18 largest universities of the post-Soviet space - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan took part. Participants from different universities were divided into 10 mixed teams, the task of each was to create a project to bring a product or service produced in the territory of the countries participating in the Eurasian space to world markets. Students received theoretical and practical skills and competencies of project work in international projects for the promotion of goods, which are in demand by the largest Russian employers - agricultural holdings and exporters.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was presented by 4th year students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty. Under the guidance of Professor Igor Sklyarov, Doctor of Economics, they developed a project and presented strategies for the entry of agricultural products and goods from the South of Russia into the Eurasian economic space. The students received diplomas of the winners of the team competition of projects to conquer foreign export markets with goods and services from the countries of the Eurasian space in various nominations:

• Olga Isayeva in the nomination “Contribution to the development of India's human capital and friendly relations”;

• Asiyat Ismayilova in the nomination "The fastest payback project and contribution to the digitalization of the Eurasian space";

• Kristina Mokhova in the nomination “Skillful and subtle use of soft power tools in relations with Iran”;

• Sofia Chechelova in the nomination "Integration potential and solution of the global problem of mankind";

• Ekaterina Ivantsova in the nomination “The best market analysis and strengthening of relations with the countries of North Africa”.

“Participation in the III Eurasian Youth Project School is a unique opportunity for our children to gain skills that will help them in their future professional activities. The level of the event is very high. The guys had to participate on an equal footing with those who receive specialized education in the field of international politics and trade. The students exchanged experiences and presented themselves with dignity. They received not only new competencies, but also the confidence that the knowledge acquired at our university is of a high level and allows them to compete with students from other Russian and foreign universities. I also want to note that at the master classes conducted by leading experts, students learned firsthand about advanced tools in the field of international trade, this is an invaluable experience.

I am very glad that our students became winners. For us, teachers, this is a good assessment and indicates that we are moving in the right direction with our large and friendly faculty of the Stavropol Agrarian University. I am sure that our students received good motivation and impetus for further movement forward, - said Igor Sklyarov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit of SSAU.

- The event was held at the highest level. For ten days we worked as a team and created our own unique project for the export of products. For us, it was a great opportunity to apply and demonstrate the competencies gained during our studies at the Stavropol State Agrarian University and expand the boundaries of knowledge, plunge into the atmosphere of science and development, and establish friendly contacts with students from other universities and countries. It is especially joyful that, competing with the guys who have training in the field of international economic activity, all of us, Stavropol residents, became winners. After such events, I want to reach new heights,” shared a participant in the event, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Asiyat Ismayilova.

Earlier, students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty won prizes in several All-Russian Olympiads in financial literacy at once.

Дата новости для фото:  20.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  3

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