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A lesson of courage dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Stavropol was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University


80 years have passed since the liberation of Stavropol from the Nazis. The city was under the rule of the Nazis for 170 days - from August 1942. The Stavropol Agrarian University did not stay away from the celebration of the memorable date. Veterans of military operations spoke at the lesson of courage: the chairman of the regional council of the Stavropol regional public organization of veterans of war, labor, the armed forces, law enforcement agencies, the chairman of the council of elders under the chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory - Karabut Alexey Pavlovich, a retired major general, a veteran of the armed forces of Russia - Belchenko Vasily Fedorovich, Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol Council of Veterans, veteran of the Russian armed forces - Sergey Ivanovich Ostrikov, member of the presidium of the council of veterans of the Leninsky district of Stavropol, retired lieutenant colonel, veteran of the Russian armed forces - Sereda Evgeny Ivanovich. They talked about the feats of Stavropol soldiers, teenagers and women, about the contribution of the battle for the Caucasus to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, about the importance of preserving memory and not distorting the events of the war years.

Acting Rector of the Stavropol Agrarian University Vladimir Nikolaevich Sitnikov addressed the students:

“Today, there are no more or less significant events, every village, every farm is significant, and, in the end, all this came together in the great victory of 1945. We turn the eyes of our youth to the feat of the Soviet people, we talk a lot about it, we hold whole sets of events. We have a very well-built patriotic orientation at the university. I can say about our students that today they are the pride of both the rector and the teaching staff. We have no worries about our future.

We often say that the future of the region and the country lies in investments, economic development, and so on. But by and large, if you think about it, what is our future? Our future is our history, it is the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If we forget our traditions, forget the past, what will happen in the end? Here, as our neighbors in Ukraine, the same story will be. When we slowly begin to dissipate, erode those pillars on which everything rests in our country.

About 10 years ago I talked with a friend. Suddenly he says: “My grandmother told me that the Germans were not so cruel when they stood in the Sredny farm, they gave them chocolates.” My reaction was lightning fast: “Comrade, tell me, why did 160 fighters die then, liberating only the village of Aleksandrovskoe?” That was 10 years ago, what could happen now? We can go further and further from chocolates and come to the point that we will not remember and know what happened to us.

Our future is in the knowledge of our history, in the preservation of traditions. It was not in vain that I said we have no concern for the future of our students, but I would like there to be no concern for the future of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We have 71 students at the university whose parents are involved in a special military operation. Six parents have already died. 80 years have passed, and once again we are fighting fascism, paying with our lives. Never allow yourself to make erroneous judgments, and even if someone nearby, like my friend, allows himself to say this, react immediately. The 80th anniversary of the liberation of Stavropol is one of the most memorable dates, and I am sure that it will always be so.

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences and Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin noted the importance of holding patriotic events:

- At 5 am on January 21, 1943, after 170 days of occupation, the city was liberated. Not even half a year has passed, and Stavropol was free, but this is by the standards of those who did not experience the torment of the Nazi occupation. But the perception of this situation by those who were inside the city all this time turned into almost an eternity of torment, suffering, torture, hunger, cold and 8 thousand human lives ruined by fascist monsters.

This patriotic event is aimed at ensuring that in the minds and souls of student youth there is a place for grains of bitterness and sorrow in relation to the inhuman suffering that the inhabitants of Stavropol endured. And the main message of this event is that the young growth, coming to replace the older generations, despite all the temptations of the fall, professed the formula "remember, honor and act." In other words, so that the students not only remember and honor the feat of the Soviet people and the liberators of the city of Stavropol in the Great Patriotic War, but, above all, act not in words, but in deeds, in unison with the dreams and aspirations of the defenders of our Fatherland and make the most expensive, beloved and dear to our hearts not only in Russia, but also on planet Earth, Stavropol is cleaner, more beautiful and better than its former appearance.

The youth of the university took part in the event not only as listeners. The guys prepared reports about the Stavropol soldiers, who made a great contribution to the liberation of the city. Also, creative teams sang patriotic songs and read poems.

Дата новости для фото:  20.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  1

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