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Everything about cats was told to schoolchildren in SSAU


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine hosted a career guidance event for schoolchildren “Anatomy and Physiology of Cats. Features of the body. Myths and legends about cats”, aimed at promoting the federal project “Professionality”, as well as within the framework of the program “Priority 2030”. In order to attract new students to participate in the "Professionality" program for schoolchildren, Stavropol State Agrarian University conducts lectures and webinars in various areas of training.

In order to attract new students to participate in the "Professionality" program for schoolchildren, Stavropol State Agrarian University conducts lectures and webinars in various areas of training. Listeners of the seminar “Anatomy and physiology of cats. Features of the body. Myths and legends about cats” were the seventh grade students of school No. 13 of the city of Stavropol. The guys themselves showed the initiative to get acquainted with the material not in an online format, but to come to the university in person

Teacher of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Candidate of Biological Sciences Ekaterina Alexandrovna Sokolova, told the students about the distribution of cats around the globe, attitudes towards them in different countries, popular myths, behavioral features and physiology of the structure of the animal body. The children learned many interesting facts about cats, for example, in medieval Europe, the Catholic Church accused cats of being connected with the devil, animals were considered companions of witches, messengers of evil spirits, for which they were burned at the stake.

In Orthodoxy, of all animals, only a cat can enter the temple: in Rus' it was believed that a cat was able to expel evil spirits from the premises, therefore, having built a house, it was the four-legged friend who was the first to go there, you can determine her mood by the whiskers of a cat: the whiskers are directed forward - alertness, mustaches, like ears, are pressed - aggression.

Since September last year, hundreds of children began to study at SSAU under the accelerated program "Professionalism". The first results of the experiment are already known.

Дата новости для фото:  23.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  13

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