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Be on the move, be the first: SSAU students are now in the "Movement of the First"


A solemn meeting was held at the Boiling Point dedicated to the founding meeting on the creation of the primary branch of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First" on the basis of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the Stavropol Agrarian University.

On May 19, 2022, on the day of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, a draft law “On the Russian Movement of Children and Youth” was submitted to the State Duma. Its main goal was to promote the development of state policy in the interests of children, as well as to create opportunities for the comprehensive development of each child. One of the first initiative to create in our country the All-Russian Organization of Children and Youth was supported by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

“Movement of the First” will give you a unique opportunity for self-realization. It includes 12 areas of activity, starting with patriotism and creativity, ending with ecology, sports, and volunteering. Each of you will be able to find a use in the area that is closest to you. Together you unite in a large all-Russian movement, where you can feel like a part of important historical processes. It is one thing when you yourself unite in some groups, and another when the state, using all its most powerful resources, gives you the opportunity to realize this with the help of the organizational and financial tools that the authorities have. There is a lot of bright work ahead. I am sure that the “Movement of the First” and its cell at the Agrarian University will be the first of the first,” Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Youth Policy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of SSAU Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov.

- The state considered it necessary to make changes both in education and in youth policy. I believe that a very correct and necessary movement of children and youth has appeared to develop your creative abilities and potential. We are an agrarian university, and our strength is in science, in this area where we generate new ideas, in professional skills. This movement should give you the opportunity to open up professionally, to give ideas that will be in demand even decades later. I believe that you should respond to such an initiative, and I am sure that all tasks will be completed, - Minister of Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory Vyacheslav Sergeevich Korshun.

Already on December 18, the First All-Russian Congress of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth took place. The event brought together more than two thousand delegates from 89 regions of our vast country. Among them are our Stavropol children: active participants in the Russian movement of schoolchildren, members of the Stavropol Youth Union, members of the Youth Army, winners and prize-winners of the competition for participants in the volunteer movement, leaders of student self-government.

The congress held a historic vote for the name, mission, values and direction of the new Movement. The Stavropol Territory was represented by Melania Globa, a participant in the meeting of the State Council on Youth Policy, the winner of the All-Russian competition "Big Change", and Vladlena Arkhipova, an activist of the Russian Youth Union, a participant in the volunteer movement of the region. The girls spoke about the mission of the “Movement of the First” and the approved values of its participants:

- Our mission is to be with Russia! Being human! Be together! Be on the move! Be the first!

We are committed to sharing and protecting our common values:

Life and dignity - the participants of the Movement value the life of every person in the first place. Protect self-esteem and care about maintaining the dignity of others;

Patriotism - members of the Movement love their Motherland Russia. Love for the country is manifested in deeds and deeds;

Friendship - by joining the Movement, everyone can find friends who are close by their beliefs, hobbies, interests and age. In the Movement, friends are always near;

Kindness and justice - members of the Movement act in justice, spread goodness, consider kindness as a quality of strong people. Everyone's inner voice tells us that only good deeds change life for the better;

Dream - the members of the Movement know how to dream and make their dreams come true. Bold dreams open up new possibilities for a person, and unexplored horizons for humanity;

Creative work - each participant of the Movement benefits by his work: creates a new quality of his knowledge, skills and abilities, applies them for the benefit of his family, the Movement and the whole country;

Mutual assistance and mutual respect - members of the Movement act as one team, helping each other in their studies, work, search and disclosure of each talent. Overcoming difficulties shoulder to shoulder. Respect the characteristics of each member of the Movement, creating a space of equal opportunities;

The unity of the peoples of Russia - the participants of the Movement, being new generations of the multinational and multi-confessional people of Russia, respect each other's culture, traditions, customs and beliefs. This is a unique property of our country: there are many peoples, the Motherland is one;

Historical memory - members of the Movement study, know and defend the history of Russia, oppose any attempts to distort and denigrate it. Protect the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.

- In the anthem of our country there is such a phrase: "Wide scope for dreams and for life." It is important that dreams, and a dream is one of the values of the movement, must be realized. But we must remember that not a single dream, not a single goal can be achieved without labor, without diligence, without study and education. I would like to wish you to always be the first, always try, always strive, achieve and proudly carry the title of a student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, - Ilya Vladimirovich Yurchishin, Chairman of the Council of the Regional Branch of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First" in the Stavropol Territory.

In honor of the birthday of the primary branch of the "Movement of the First" in the Stavropol State Agrarian University, they adopted a new tradition - every year on January 25 to do a good deed. The meeting participants unanimously supported this initiative. The first good deed of our Movement was the collection of letters to the fighters of our region, located in the NVO zone.

Stavropol State Agrarian University pays special attention to the work aimed at supporting our soldiers. In December last year, at the solemn rector's office, SSAU students were presented with personal letters of thanks for their active citizenship, participation in organizing a humanitarian aid reception point for refugees from the LPR and DPR, for assistance in collecting the formation and dispatch of humanitarian cargo, as well as for conscientious work as part of the team Stavropol MD Party "United Russia" - more details at the link (ссылке).

Дата новости для фото:  26.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  2

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