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Boiling point SSAU set a record for the number of people involved


The Boiling Point team was the first among Entrepreneurial Hotspots to reach people interested in the New Entrepreneurial Philosophy program. For three months of work, a record number of people took part in the events - 2491 students and teachers of the university.

Back in October, the Boiling Point team, led by Dmitry Cherkashin, became the owner of a grant from ANO NTI Platform for the creation of Entrepreneurial Boiling Points - spaces for the development of student innovative entrepreneurship. Thanks to the won grant, the program "New Philosophy of Entrepreneurship" was developed.

- I'll tell you why it's important. Today, the university is engaged in a lot of scientific activities. But, unfortunately, most of the discoveries and patents go to the table.

Today it is important for us to educate not just a professional, but to reveal the student's interest in entrepreneurship and development. In general, this will give us not just a scientist, but a businessman who is able to benefit society and earn money - Vladimir Sitnikov, acting rector of the Stavropol Agrarian University.

The New Philosophy of Entrepreneurship program is aimed at developing, popularizing and scaling technological entrepreneurship in the university environment through the formation of student entrepreneurial communities and the implementation of a new range of formats for working with university startups within the FoodNet and EduNet National Technology Initiative markets.

The concept of the program offers students and teachers to study in different formats: interactive lectures, case workshops, teamwork on their own project, presentation of initiatives and developments, as well as building communication with potential partners.

The main feature was a significant expansion of the scope of activities and involvement in the implementation of the program for the development of technological entrepreneurship of leading experts and organizations of regional and federal scale, including the Russian society "Knowledge", "Rosmolodezh. Business", the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

― Entrepreneurial Boiling Point has become an even more open and accessible platform for building a tripartite dialogue between students, business and authorities, where relevant solutions in the field of Russian import substitution of agriculture, food industry and educational technologies are formed by joint efforts, ― Dmitry Cherkashin, Head of the University Center for Scientific and technological creativity of youth, curator of the Boiling Point team.

On December 20, at the All-Russian Award, the Boiling Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was recognized as the best in Russia (признали лучшей в России): the entrepreneurial Boiling Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the winner in the nomination "Activity of the Boiling Point Participants", and Dmitry Cherkashin was recognized as the "Best Curator of the new Boiling Point Team".

Read about the opening of the Entrepreneurial Boiling Point here (ссылке).

Дата новости для фото:  26.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  1

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