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We are on the move - always on the move: the first regional meeting of the "Movement of the First" was held at the agrarian university


In the Boiling Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the grand opening of the I Gathering of the regional branch of the Russian movement of children and youth "Movement of the First" of the Stavropol Territory called "Uniting Dreams" took place. The most active youth of the region gathered under the roof of the university to start developing the Movement in their cities, districts, schools and institutions of additional education.

On April 20, 2022, a schoolgirl from Sevastopol, Diana Krasovskaya, at a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Russia - a Land of Opportunities" suggested creating a movement that would unite children from all over Russia.

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, supported the initiative. On May 19, on the day of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the All-Union Pioneer Organization, a bill "On the Russian Movement of Children and Youth" was submitted to the State Duma. Its main goal was to promote the development of state policy in the interests of children, as well as to create opportunities for the comprehensive development of each child.

On December 18, the 1st All-Russian Congress of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth took place. The event brought together more than two thousand delegates from 89 regions of our vast country, among them our Stavropol guys. At the congress, a historic vote was held, during which the name, mission, values and directions of activity of the new Movement were approved.

The youth of Stavropol from the very beginning took an active part in the formation of the "Movement of the First". The guys were included in the All-Russian competition of co-authors of the Movement. A series of creative sessions, accelerators of projects of the Russian movement of children and youth took place in the region. In December, the coordinating and regional councils of the regional branch of the Movement met for the first time in Stavropol. Now in the regional capital there are already 15 primary branches of the Movement of the First, including schools, technical schools, colleges and youth centers.

- To be the first is very honorable and very responsible, because you and I can be the first only after Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, after Miklukho-Maclay or Przhevalsky, after Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, after our great ancestors - those people who created the greatness of our vast country. Now the reins of creating the greatness of the motherland are passing to you. Become truly talented, truly the first, - Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory for Education, Culture, Science, Youth Policy, Mass Media and Physical Culture Yegor Sergeevich Basovich.

Today, the most active youth of the region have gathered within the walls of the Stavropol State Agrarian University for the 1st Gathering of the regional branch of the Russian movement of children and youth "Movement of the First" of the Stavropol Territory. Participants of the Movement are children and teenagers from 6 to 18 years old. The guys repeated the motto of the Movement, its mission and common values. Each area of activity will be organized by the enterprises of the Stavropol Territory:

Education and knowledge. "Learn and learn!" ― Branch for the Stavropol Territory of the Southern Main Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

Science and technology. "Dare and open!" ― Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment FSAEI HE “North Caucasian Federal University”;

Work, profession and business. "Find a calling!" ― Center for advanced professional training of FSBEI HE “Stavropol State Agrarian University”;

Culture and art. "Create and inspire!" ― Stavropol Academic Drama Theatre;

Volunteering and volunteerism. "Do good!" - Shelter for homeless animals in the Stavropol Territory "Best friend";

Patriotism and historical memory. "Serve the Fatherland!" ― MBUK Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. "Memory" of the city of Stavropol;

Sport. "Achieve and win!" ― Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the North Caucasian Federal University;

Healthy lifestyle. "Be healthy!" ― Restaurant of the Stavropol Hotel Complex;

Media and communications. "Tell me about the main thing!" ― Federal State Unitary Enterprise STRBC «Stavropolye»;

Diplomacy and international relations. "Know how to be friends!" ― FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University" - Meeting with members of the Youth Ethnic Council of the Stavropol Territory;

Ecology and nature conservation. "Protect nature!" ― Center for Development of Rational Waste Distribution;

Tourism and travel. "Open the country!" ― Stavropol State Historical, Cultural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve named after G. N. Prozritelev and G. K. Prave.

- The name of our first gathering is “Combining Dreams”. The dream is enshrined in the Declaration of the Movement as one of the values. For the first time, perhaps, a dream is also a value. But you and I must remember that any dream is the result of diligence, work, perseverance and strength that we put together to ensure that goals are achieved, that tasks are completed. We will work a lot with you, develop, look for answers to the challenges that today face the youth and the whole country.

Behind the active ones, behind the leaders, behind the first ones, there are always hundreds and thousands of those guys who have not yet found themselves. Our mission as pioneers is to lead. And sometimes to be behind in order to push forward, to suggest a vector and direction to the guys who are looking for themselves, - Ilya Vladimirovich Yurchishin, Chairman of the Council of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Social-State Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First" of the Stavropol Territory.

Also today, the All-Russian online marathon "14 days on the move" starts across the country from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka. Its goal is to introduce children to the mission, values and directions of the "Movement of the First". The marathon will be held in the official community of the RDDM "Movement of the First". All children and teenagers who want to participate in interactive video lessons, develop leadership skills, find friends and like-minded people will be able to take part.

On January 26, the primary department of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First" was opened at the Stavropol Agrarian University on the basis of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education. The guys got acquainted with the mission and activities of the Movement, and also launched a new tradition - to do good deeds together. More details at the link (ссылка).

Дата новости для фото:  27.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  12

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